A. Patents
1 |
2 |
B. Book Chapter
"Cross-modality Indexing, Browsing and Search of Distance Learning Media on the Web" by
Alon Efrat, Arnon Amir, Kobus Barnard and Quanfu Fan. in
eBook - Internet Multimedia Search and Mining (edited by Xian-Sheng Hua, Marcel Worring and Tat-Seng Chua). [link].
| |
"The COVID Information Commons - Research Insights from the Coronavirus" Springer Nature. Amir Mohammad Esmaieeli Sikaroudi, Alon Efrat and Michael Chertkov. In preperation. |
C. Papers in Journals
1 | "Computing a Segment-Center for a Planar Point Set", P. K. Agarwal, A. Efrat,
M. Sharir and S. Toledo, J. Algorithms 15 (1993), 314-323. |
2 | "On the union
of fat wedges and separating a collection" of segments by a line, A. Efrat, M.
Sharir and G. Rote. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (CGTA) 3
(1994), 277-288.
3 | "Subpixel Image Registration Using Circular Fiducials", with C. Gotsman, International J. of Computational Geometry and Applications (IJCGA) 4 (1994), 403-422. |
4 | " Computing the
smallest k-enclosing circle and related problems", with M. Sharir
and A. Ziv, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (CGTA) 4 (1995),
5 | " A
near-linear algorithm for the planar segment center problem" with M.
Sharir, Discrete and Computational Geometry (DCG) 16 (1996), 239-257.
6 | "Separating and
shattering long line segments" with O. Schwarzkopf, Information
Processing Letters 64 (1998), 309-314.
7 | " Geometric
pattern matching in d-dimensional space" with L.P. Chew, D. Dor and
K. Kedem, Discrete and Computational Geometry (DCG), 21 (1999) 257-274.
8 | "On the Union
of κ-Curved Objects" with M. Katz, Computational Geometry: Theory
and Applications (CGTA). 14 (1999), 241-254.
9 | "On
the complexity of the union of fat objects in the plane" with M. Sharir,
Discrete and Computational Geometry (DCG). 23 (2000), 171-189.
10 | "Vertical
decomposition of shallow levels in 3-dimensional arrangements and its
applications", with P. K. Agarwal and M. Sharir, SIAM J. Computing
29 (2000), 912-953 .
11 | "Dynamic data
structures for fat objects and their applications" with M. J. Katz, F.
Nielsen and M. Sharir, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (CGTA),
15 (2000), 215-227.
12 | "Computing an
Euclidean Bottleneck Matching in Higher dimension" with M. Katz,
Information Processing Letters (IPL), 4 (2000), 169-174.
13 | "Geometry helps
in bottleneck matching and related problems" with M. Katz and A. Itai,
Algorithmica, 1 (2001) 1-28.
14 | "Efficient Algorithms and Regular Data Structures for Dilation, Location and
Proximity Problems", with A. Amir, P. Indyk and H. Samet,
Algorithmica. (2001) 166-187.
15 | "A
subquadratic bound on the number of regular vertices of the union of Jordan
regions", with B. Aronov, D. Halperin and M. Sharir, Discrete and
Computational Geometry (DCG). 25 (2001), 203-220.
16 | "Fly Cheaply: On
the Minimum Fuel-Consumption Problem", with Timothy M. Chan, J.
Algorithm 41 (2001), 330-337.
17 | "Using and Determining Location in a Context-Sensitive Tour Guide: The
Guide Experience", with Nigel Davis, Keith Cheverst and Keith Mitchell. IEEE
computers 34 (2001), 35-41.
18 | "Geometric Algorithms for the Analysis of 2D-Electrophoresis Gels", with
F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Schultz and C. Wenk, Journal of Computational
Biology (JCB), special issue dedicated to RECOMB), 9
(2002), 299-316.
19 |
"Similarity Measures between Polylines with Applications to Morphing
and Polygon Sweeping", with L. J. Guibas, S. Har-Peled, J. S. B. Mitchell and
T.M. Murali. Discrete and Computational Geometry (DCG), (2002), 535-569.
20 | "Covering Shapes by Ellipses", with F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Knauer, G.
Rote and C. Wenk, Algorithmica - special issue on Shape Algorithms, (2003), 145-160.
21 | "Search the Audio, Browse the Video - A Generic Paradigm for Video
Collections", with A. Amir and S. Srinivasan, EURASIP Journal on Applied
Signal Processing , 2(2003), 209-222.
22 |
"Matching Planar Maps", with H. Alt, G. Rote and C. Wenk,
J. Algorithms , 49 (2003) 262-283.
23 | "Pattern Matching for Sets of Segments" with P. Indyk and S.
Venkatasubramanian, Algorithmica, 40(2004), 147-160 .
24 | The
Complexity of the Union of ![]() |
25 | "Computing Homotopic Shortest Paths
Efficiently", with S. Kobourov and A. Lubiw, Computational Geometry Theory and Applications (CGTA) 35 (2006) 162--172.
26 | "Drawing with Fat Edges", with C. A. Duncan, A. Efrat, S. G. Kobourov and C. Wenk,
Int. Journal of
Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS) 17 (2006), 1143-1165.
Special Issue of on Graph Drawing.
27 | "On the Union of kappa-Round Objects in Three and Four Dimensions",
with B. Aronov, V. Koltun and M. Sharir,
Discrete and Computational Geometry (DCG) 36 (2006) 511-526. (special issue dedicated to
best papers from SoCG 2004), .
28 | "On Simultaneous Planar Graph Embeddings", with
P. Brass, E. Cenek, C. A. Duncan, C. Erten, D. Ismailescu,
S. G. Kobourov, A. Lubiw and J. S. B. Mitchell, Comp. Geom. Theorey and Application (CGTA) 36 (2007) 117-130.
29 | "Locating Guards in Art Galleries", with S. Har-Peled,
Information Processing Letters (IPL) 100 (2006) 238--245.
30 | "Phenotypes of Drosophila Brain Neurons in Primary Culture Reveal a Role for Fascin in Neurite
Shape and Trajectory", with R. Kraft, M. Escobar, M. Narro, J. Kurtis, K. Barnard, and L. Restifo,
The Journal of Neuroscience, 26 (2006) 8734.
31 | "On Incremental Rendering of Silhouette Maps of a Polyhedral Scene",
L.J. Guibas, O.A. Hall-Holt and L. Zhang, Computational Geometry Theory and Applications (CGTA) 38(2007) 129-138.
32 | "On Finding a Guard that Sees Most and a Shop that Sells Most", with
O. Cheong and S. Har-Peled,
Disc. Computational Goemetry (DCG) 37 (2007) 545--563.
33 | "Fixed-Location Circular Arc Drawings", with C. Erten and S. Kobourov,
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 11 (2007) 145-164.
34 |
"Buddy tracking, efficient proximity detection among mobile friends", with
A. Amir, J. Myllymaki, L. Palaniappan and K. Wampler, Pervasive and Mobile
Computing 3 (2007), 489--511.
35 | "Curve Matching, Time Warping, and Light Fields, New Algorithms for
Computing Similarity between Curves", with Q. Fan and S. Venkatasubramanian, J. Mathematic Imaging and Vision,
27(2007) 203-216.
36 | "On the performance of the ICP algorithm",
Esther Ezra and Micha Sharir,
Computational Geometry, Theory and Applications (CGTA) 41(2008) 77-93. [
37 | "Algorithm design for a class of base station location problems in sensor networks",
Yi Shi and Y. Thomas Hou,
J. Wireless Networks, 15(2009) 21-38.
38 | "Geometric stable roommates",
E. M. Arkin, S. W. Baeb, A. Efrat, K. Okamotod, J. S.B. Mitchell
and V. Polishchuk, in Information Processing Letters (IPL), 109(2009) 219-224.
39 | "Retransmission and Backoff Strategies for Wireless Broadcasting,"
J. Arango, A. Efrat, S. Ramasubramanian, S. Pink, and M. Krunz,
Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, 8 (2010) 77--95.
40 | "Force-Directed Approaches to Sensor Localization"
C. Erten, D. Forrester, A. Iyer, O. Kilic, S.G. Kobourov
IEEE Tran. Sensor Networks , 7(3) 2010.
41 | "Robust Spatio-temporal Matching of Electronic Slides to Presentation Videos"
Q. Fan, K. Barnard A. Amir and A. Efrat,
IEEE Tran. Image Processing.
42. | "On Channel-Discontinuity-Constraint Routing in Wireless Networks" S. Sankararaman, A. Efrat, S. Ramasubramanian and P.K. Agarwal. In Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks. [pdf]. |
43. | "Data Transmission and Base-Station Placement for Optimizing Network Lifetime" Esther M. Arkin, Alon Efrat, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Valentin Polishchuk, Srinivasan Ramasubramanian, Swaminathan Sankararaman and Javad Taheri. In Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks. [pdf]. |
44. | "The Resilience of WDM Networks to Probabilistic Geographical Failures" David Hay, Pankaj K. Agarwal, Alon Efrat, Shashidhara Ganjugunte, Swaminathan Sankararaman, and Gill Zussman w IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking (ToN) 21(5): 1525-1538, October 2013 . |
45. | "Scandinavian Thins on Top of Cake: New and Improved Algorithms for Stacking and Packing". H. Alt, E. Arkin, A. Efrat, G. Hart, F. Hurtado, I. Kostitsyna, A. Kröller, J. Mitchell, V. Polishchuk. ACM Theory of Computing Systems (ToCS) [PDF]. |
46. | "Optimization schemes for protective jamming" S. Sankararaman, K. Abu-Affash, A. Efrat, S. Eriksson-Bique, V. Polishchuk, S. Ramasubramanian, and M. Segal, ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal Special Issue on Smart Object Applications and Management [PDF]. MONAMI 2013. |
47. | "Collecting Data in Ad-Hoc Networks with Reduced Uncertainty" Liron Levin, Alon Efrat, Michael Segal, Ad Hoc Networks Journal. 2013 [PDF]. |
48. | "VET: Extent Mapping Scheme for Flash Memory Devices" Young-Kyoon Suh, Bongki Moon, Alon Efrat, Jin-Soo Kim, Sang-Won Lee, Kalyan S. Perumalla, David Jefferson, Alfred J Park, Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture 2014. |
49. | "Healthcare Supported by Data Mule Networks in Remote Communities of the Amazon Region," Mauro Coutinho, Alon Efrat, Thienne Johnson, Andrea Richa and Mengxue Liu, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications. 2014. |
50. | "Geographic Max-Flow and Min-Cut Under a Circular Disk Failure Model" Sebastian Neumayer, Alon Efrat and Eytan Modiano. In J. Networking. J. Networks 77, 117-127. 2015. |
51. | "MapSets: Visualizing Embedded and Clustered Graphs," A. Efrat, Y. Hu, S. G. Kobourov, S. Pupyrev, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. [pdf].19, 571-593 (2015). |
52. | "Improved approximation algorithms for relay placement", Alon Efrat, Sandor P. Fekete, Poornananda R. Gaddehosur, Joseph S. B. Mitchell Valentin Polishchuk and Jukka Suomela, ACM Tans. Algorithm (TALG)12(2):20, 2016. [PDF] |
53. | "Shortest Path to a Segment and Quickest Visibility Queries." E. Arkin, A. Efrat, C. Knauer, J. Mitchell, V. Polishchuk, G. Rote, L. Schlipf, T. Talvitie. Journal of Computational Geometry 7(2): 77-100 (2016) [PDF] |
54. | "Nearest-Neighbor Searching Under Uncertainty", Pankaj K. Agarwal, Alon Efrat, Swaminathan Sankararaman and Wuzhou Zhang, In DCG screte & Computational Geometry 58(3): 705-745 (2017) |
55. | "Secure Communication through Jammers Jointly Optimized in Geography and Time," Estie Arkin, Yuval Cassuto, Alon Efrat, Guy Grebla, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Sankararaman Sankararamaan, Michael Segal. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Volume 41, October 2017, Pages 83-105[PDF] |
56. | Prediction and prevention of pandemics via graphical model inference and convex programming M Krechetov, AM Esmaieeli Sikaroudi, A Efrat, V Polishchuk, M Chertkov Scientific Reports 2022. 12 (1), 7599 [PDF] |
57. |
Visualization of Bipartite Graphs in Limited Window Size. Alon Efrat, William Evans, Kassian K ̈ock, Stephen Kobourov, and Jacob Miller.
Acta Informatica. To Appear.
1 | " Computing the
smallest k-enclosing circle and related problems" with M. Sharir
and A. Ziv, Proc. Workshop Algorithms Data Structures (WADS) 1993,
LNCS vol. 709 325-336.
2 | " A
near-linear algorithm for the planar segment center problem", with M.
Sharir, in Proc. 5th ACM-SIAM Symp. Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 1994,
3 | "Subpixel Image Registration Using Circular Fiducials", with C. Gotsman,
in Proc. of the second Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and
Systems 1994, 127-136.
4 | "Vertical
decomposition of shallow levels in 3-dimensional arrangements and its
applications", with P.K. Agarwal and M. Sharir, in Proc. 11th
Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG) , 1995, 39-50.
5 | " Geometric
pattern matching in d-dimensional space", with L.P. Chew, D. Dor
and K. Kedem, Third European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), 1995,
LNCS vol. 979, 264-279.
6 | " Improvements
on bottleneck matching and related problems, using geometry", with A.
Itai, in Proc. 12th Symp. on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 1996,
7 | " Computing
most-uniform and minimum deviation matchings in geometric settings" with
M.J. Katz, in Proc. 7th International Symp. on Algorithms and
Computational (ISAAC), 1996, 115-125.
8 | "
Separating and shattering long line segments", with O. Schwarzkopf,
in Proc. International Symp. Algorithms and Computational
(ISAAC), 1996, 36-44.
9 | " On
the complexity of the union of fat objects in the plane", with M. Sharir,
in Proc. 13th Symp. Computational Geometry (SoCG), 1997,
10 | "Dynamic data
structures for fat objects and their applications", with M.J. Katz, F.
Nielsen and M. Sharir, in Proc. 5th Workshop on Algorithms and Data
Structures (WADS) 1997, 297-396.
11 | " On the Union of
![]() |
12 | "Fly Cheaply: On
the Minimum Fuel-Consumption Problem", with S. Har-Peled, in Proc. 14th
Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 1998, 143-145.
13 | "A
subquadratic bound on the number of regular vertices of the union of Jordan
regions", with B. Aronov, D. Halperin and M. Sharir, in Proc. 6th
Scand. Workshop on Algorithms Theory (SWAT), 1998, 322-334.
14 | "The
Complexity of the Union of ![]() |
15 | " Efficient
Algorithms and Regular Data Structures for Dilation, Location and Proximity
Problems". with A. Amir, P. Indyk and H. Samet, in Proc. 40
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 1999. 160-170.
16 | "Planning
Robot Motion Strategies for Efficient Model Construction", with H
Gonzalez-Banos, E. Mao, J.C. Latombe and T. M. Murali, in Proc. 9th
International Symposium of Robotics Research, 1999, 345-352.
17 | "On Incremental
Rendering of Silhouette Maps of a Polyhedral Scene" with L. Zhang, L.J.
Guibas and O.A. Hall-Holt, in Proc. 11th ACM-SIAM Symposium on
Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2000, 910-917. (Journal's version).
18 | "Sweeping
Simple Polygons with a Chain of Guards" with L.J. Guibas, S. Har-Peled,
D.C. Lin, J.S.B. Mitchell and T.M. Murali, in Proc. 11th Annual ACM-SIAM
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2000, 297-936.
19 | "Pattern Matching for Sets of Segments" with P. Indyk and S.
Venkatasubramanian, Proc. 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms (SODA), 295-304, 2001. (Journal's version).
20 | "Morphing between Curves" with S. Har-Peled, L. Guibas and T.M. Murali,
in Proc. 12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2001,
21 | "Geometric Algorithms for the Analysis of 2D-Electrophoresis Gels" with
rank Hoffmann, Klaus Kriegel, Christof Schultz and Carola Wenk, in The Fifth
International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology. (RECOMB) 2001,
22 | "Drawing with Fat Edges" with C. A. Duncan, S. G. Kobourov and C. Wenk,
Graph Drawing (GD) 2001. LNCS vol. 2265, 162-177.
23 | "Developments in Phonetic Word Retrieval" with A. Amir, and S. Srinivasan,
ACM Tenth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM),
2001, 580-582.
24 | "Covering Shapes by Ellipses" with F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Knauer, G.
Rote and C. Wenk, in ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2002,
25 | "Locating
Guards in Art Galleries" with S. Har-Peled, 2nd International
Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (IFIP) 2002, 181-192. (Journal Version).
26 | "Computing Homotopic Shortest Paths Efficiently", with S. Kobourov and A.
Lubiw, European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2002, 411-423.
27 | "Matching Planar Maps",
with H. Alt, G. Rote and C. Wenk,
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2003, 589-592. ( Journal's version).
28 | "Optimal Motion Strategies to Track and Capture a Predict able Target",
with H. H. Gonzalez-Banos, S. Kobourov and L. Palaniappan, IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), link 2003.
29 | "Touring a Sequence of Polygons" with M. Dror, A. Lubiw and J. S. B.
Mitchell, ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 2003, 473-482.
30 | On Simultaneous, Planar Graph Embeddings, with P. Brass, E. Cenek, C. A.
Duncan, C. Erten, D. Ismailescu, S. G. Kobourov, A. Lubiw and J. S. B.
Mitchell, Workshop on Data Structures (WADS) 2003, 243-255.
31 | "Fixed-Location Circular-Arc Drawing of Planar Graphs", with C. Erten and
S. Kobourov, Graph Drawing (GD). 2003, 147-158.
32 | "On Finding a Guard that Sees Most and a Shop that Sells Most", O. Cheong,
A. Efrat and S. Har-Peled, ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA),
2004, 1098-1107. (Journal's vesion)
33 | "Buddy tracking - efficient proximity detection among mobile friends" A.
Amir, A. Efrat, J. Myllymaki, L. Palaniappan and K. Wampler, The 23rd
Conference of the IEEE Communications Society (INFOCOM) 2004.
(Journal's version).
34 | "An Efficient Flooding Algorithm for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks", with J.
Arango, M. Degermark and S. Pink, Modeling and Optimization in Mobile,
Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) , 2004. (Journal version))
35 | "On the Union of Kappa-Round Objects in Three and Four Dimensions", with
B. Aronov, V. Koltun and M. Sharir, Proc. 20th Annual Symposium
on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 2004, 383--390. (journal's version).
36 | "Hardware-Assisted Natural Neighbor Interpolation", with
Q. Fan and V. Koltun, S. Krishnan and S. Venkatasubramanian,
in Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2005.
37 | "Approximation Algorithms
for Two Optimal Location Problems in Sensor Networks", with
S. Har-Peled and J. Mitchell, in IEEE 2nd
Int. conf. on Broadband Communication, Networks and systems. (BROADNET) 2005.
38 | "Force-Directed
Approaches to Sensor Localization", with C. Erten, D.
Forrester, A. Iyer, and S. G. Kobourov, 8th Workshop on Algorithm
Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX) 2006.
39 | "On the ICP Algorithm", Esther Ezra, M. Sharir and Alon Efrat ACM
Symp. Computational Geometry (SoCG).
40 |
"Retransmission and Back-off
Strategies for Broadcasting in Multi-hop Wireless Networks",
with J. Arango, S. Ramasubramanian and M. Krunz, in IEEE 3rd Int. conf.
on Broadband Communication, Networks and systems. (BROADNET) 2006. (Journal version)
41. | "Algorithm Design for Base Station Placement Problems
in Sensor Networks", with
Y. Shi and Y. T. Hou, in 3rd Int. Conf. on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless
Networks 2006.
42. | "Onroad Vehicular Broadcast"
Jesus Arango,
Marwan Krunz and
Srinivasan Ramasubramanian,
15th International Conference
on Computer Communications
and Networks (ICCCN'06)
a Networks 2006.
43. | "Coverage time
optimization in sensor networks"
Ravi Balasubramanian and
and Srinivasan Ramasubramanian
Third IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems
44. | "Matching Slides To Presentation Videos",
Q. Fan, A. Amir, K, Barnard, A. Efrat, and L. Ming,
ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia
Information Retrieval. 2006.
45. | "Restricted strip covering and the sensor cover problem",
A. L. Buchsbaum, A. Efrat S. Jain and S. Venkatasubramanian,
Proc. 18th ACM-SIAM Symp. Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2007.
46. | "Improved approximation algorithms for relay placement conference:",
Alon Efrat, Sandor P. Fekete, Poornananda R. Gaddehosur, Joseph S. B. Mitchell Valentin Polishchuk and
Jukka Suomela,
Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2008.
47. | "On Approximate Geodesic Distance Queries amidst Dynamic Point Clouds"
Pankaj K. Agarwal, Alon Efrat, R Sharathkumar, and Hai Yu,
The Eighth International Workshop on
the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics
(WAFR) 2008
48. | "Accurate Alignment of Presentation Slides with Educational Video", with
Quanfu Fan, Kobus Barnard and Arnon Amir,
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2009 (ICME)
49. | "Studying On The Move - Enriched Presentation Video For Mobile Devices"
Andrew Winslow, Qiyam Tung, Quanfu Fan, Juhani Torkkola, Ranjini Swaminathan,
Kobus Barnard, Arnon Amir and Chris Gniady,
Workshop on Mobile Video Delivery (MoViD) 2009 in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2009.
50. | "On Channel-Discontinuity-Constraint Routing in Wireless Networks"
S. Sankararaman, A. Efrat, S. Ramasubramanian and P.K. Agarwal.
In IEEE INFOCOM Mini-Conference 2010 [pdf].
51. |
"Improving and aligning speech with presentation slides,"
Ranjini Swaminathan, Michael Thompson, Sandiway Fong, Alon Efrat, Arnon Amir, Kobus Barnard,
ICPR 2010
52. |
"Data Transmission and Base-Station Placement for
Optimizing Network Lifetime" Esther M. Arkin, Alon Efrat, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Valentin Polishchuk, Srinivasan Ramasubramanian, Swaminathan Sankararaman
and Javad Taheri. In ACM SIGACT/SIGMOBILE Workshop on Foundations Mobile Computing 2010 [pdf].
53. |
"Network Vulnerability to Single, Multiple, and Probabilistic Physical Attacks",
Pankaj Agarwal, Alon Efrat, Shashidhara Ganjugunte, David Hay, Swaminathan Sankararaman, and Gil Zussman.
MILCOM Military Communication Conference 2010. [pdf].
54. |
"The Resilience of WDM Networks to Probabilistic Geographical Failures"
Pankaj K. Agarwal
Alon Efrat
Shashidhara K. Ganjugunte, David Hay
Swaminathan Sankararaman and
Gil Zussman. INFOCOM 2011 [Technion Report] Here.
55. | "Distributed Localization and Clustering Using Data Correlation and the Occam's Razor Principle" Pankaj K. Agarwal, Alon Efrat, Chris Gniady, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Valentin Polishchuk and Girishkumar R. Sabhnani, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems DCOSS 2011. [PDF]. |
56. | "Expanding the point- Automatic Enlargement of Presentation Videls." Qiyam Tung, Alon Efrat, Kobus Barnard and Ranjini Swaminathan. ACM MULTIMEDIA MM 2011. [PDF] |
57. | A new proposal of data mule network focused on Amazon riverine population, Mauro Coutinho, Thierry Moreira, Erick Silva, Alon Efrat and Thienne Johnson ACM/SIGCOM EXTRMECOM . 2011. |
58. | "Geographic Max-Flow and Min-Cut Under a Circular Disk Failure Model" Sebastian Neumayer, Alon Efrat and Eytan Modiano. In IEEE INFOCOM Mini-Conference 2012 [PDF]. |
59. | "Nearest-Neighbor Searching Under Uncertainty", Pankaj K. Agarwal, Alon Efrat, Swaminathan Sankararaman and Wuzhou Zhang, In ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2012. [PDF] |
60. | S. Sankararaman, K. Abu-Affash, A. Efrat, S. Eriksson-Bique, V. Polishchuk, S. Ramasubramanian, and M. Segal, "Optimization schemes for protective jamming," ACM Symp. Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc) 2012. [PDF] [slides]. |
61. | "Scandinavian Thins over a Fat Top: on the Smallest One-Size-Fits-All Box" E. Arkin, A. Efrat, G. Hart, I. Kostitsyna, A. Kroeller, J. Mitchell and V. Polishchuk, Int. Conf. Fun with Algorithms (FUN). 2012 |
62. | "VET: Extent Mapping Scheme for Flash Memory Devices" Young-Kyoon Suh, Bongki Moon, Alon Efrat, Jin-Soo Kim, Sang-Won Lee, Kalyan S. Perumalla, David Jefferson, Alfred J Park, IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS) 2012 |
63. | "Client-side backprojection of presentation slides into educational video," Yekaterina (Kate) Kharitonova, Qiyam Tung, Alexander Danehy, Alon Efrat Kobus Barnard, ACM MultiMedia 2012 (MM). [PDF] |
64. | "Efficient Algorithms for Pursuing Moving Evaders in Terrains" Alon Efrat, Joseph Mitchell, Parrish Myers and Swaminathan Sankararaman ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL) 2012. [PDF] |
65. | "Collecting Data in Ad-Hoc Network with Reduced Uncertainty," Liron Levin, Alon Efrat, Michael Segal, International Workshop on Resource Allocation Cooperative and Competition in Wireless Network (RAWNET/WNC) 2013. [PDF]. |
66. | "Sweeping a Terrain by Collaborative Aerial Vehicles", Mikko Nikkilä, Alon Efrat and Valentin Polishchuk, ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL) 2013. [PDF and related demos] |
67. | "Mobile Food Recommendation System Based on The Trafficc Light Diet" Thienne Johnson, Jorge Vergara , Chelsea Doll , Madison Kramer, Gayathri Sundararaman, Harsha Rajendran, , Alon Efrat, and Melanie Hingle Int. Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services (MobiCASE) |
68. | "MobiSLIC: Content-aware Energy Saving for Educational Videos on Mobile Devices", Qiyam Tung, Alon Efrat, Chris Gniady and Kobus Barnard 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, (MobiQuitous) 2013. |
69. | MapSets: Visualizing Embedded and Clustered Graphs, Alon Efrat, Yifan Hu, Stephen Kobourov and Sergey Pupyrev, Graph Drawing (GD) 2014 |
70. | "Hybrid Algorithms for Scheduling Sensors for Guarding Polygonal Domains" Esther Arkin, Alon Efrat, Joseph Mitchell and Eli Packer. 30th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2014) [PDF] |
71. | "Friendly Jammers and their Environment. The Geometry of Friendly Jammers." Estie Arkin, Yuval Cassuto, Alon Efrat, Guy Grebla, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Sankararaman Sankararamaan, Michael Segal. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) 2015 [PDF] |
72. | "Data recovery after geographic correlated attacks." Alon Efrat, Esther Ezra, Guy Grebla, Rom Pinchasi and Swaminathan Sankararaman. IEEE Design of Reliable Communication Network (DRCN) 2015. [PDF] |
73. | "Shortest Path to a Segment and Quickest Visibility Queries." E. Arkin, A. Efrat, C. Knauer, J. Mitchell, V. Polishchuk, G. Rote, L. Schlipf, T. Talvitie. Int. Symp. Computational Geometry (SoCG) 2015. [PDF] |
74. | "Secure Communication through Jammers Jointly Optimized in Geography and Time." Y. Allouche, E. Arkin, Y. Cassuto, A. Efrat, G. Grebla, J. S. B. Mitchell, S. Sankararaman, and M. Segal. ACM Symp. Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing MobiHoc. 2015. [PDF] |
75. | "Robust Data Mule Networks with Remote Healthcare Applications in the Amazon Region: A Fountain Code Approach." M. Liu, R. Agarwal, A. Richa, A. Efrat, T. Johnson, M. M. Coutinho, IEEE 17th Int. Conf. e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom) 2015. |
76. | ``BBTM. New life for old ATM paradigms'' A Angelakis, A. Efrat, E. Packer, V. Polishchuk, L. Sedov, Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Enabling Avionics for UAS Traffic Management. DASC 2016. [PDF] |
77. | ``Are Friends of My Friends Too Social? Limitations of Location Privacy in a Socially-Connected World.'' B. Aronov, A. Efrat, M. Li, J. Gao, J. S. B. Mitchell, V. Polishchuk, B. Wang, H. Quan, J. Ding. The Nineteenth International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2018). [PDF] |
78. | New Applications of Nearest-Neighbor Chains: Euclidean TSP and Motorcycle Graphs N. Mamano, A. Efrat, D. Eppstein, D. Frishberg, M. Goodrich, S. Kobourov, P. Matias, V. Polishchuk ISAAC'19 [PDF] |
79. | Computing β-Stretch Paths in Drawings of Graphs. Esther Arkin, Faryad Darabi Sahneh, Alon Efrat, Fabian Frank, Radoslav Fulek, Stephen Kobourov and Joseph S.B. Mitchell, Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT) 2020. [PDF] |
80. | Data Inference from Encrypted Databases: A Multi-dimensional Order-Preserving Matching Approach. Yanjun Pan, Alon Efrat, Ming Li, Boyang Wang, Hanyu Quan, Joseph Mitchell, Esther Arkin, Jie Gao. MobiHoc 2020 [PDF] |
81. | Polygons with Prescribed Angles in 2D and 3D. Alon Efrat, Radoslav Fulek, Stephen Kobourov, Csaba Toth. [Arxiv] Graph Drawing (GD) 2020. |
1. | "A simple algorithm for maintaining the center of a planar point-set" with
R. Bar-Yehuda and A. Itai, in Proc. 5th Canad. Conf. Comput. Geom.
1993, 252-257.
2. | "Finding maximally consistent sets of halfspaces", with M. Lindenbaum and
M. Sharir, in Proc. 5th Canad. Conf. Comput. Geom (CCCG)., 1993, 432-436.
3. | " On the union
of fat wedges and separating a collection of segments by a line", with M.
Sharir and G. Rote, in Proc. 5th Canad. Conf. Comput. Geom. (CCCG), 1993,
4. | Video contribution: "Growing Fat Graphs", with S. Kobourov, M. Stepp, and C. Wenk,
ACM Symp. On Comp. Geometry, (SoCG) 277-278, 2002.
5. | Video contribution:
"Finding a
curve in a map", with
C. Wenk, H. Alt, L. Palaniappan and G. Rote, ACM Symp. On Comp. Geometry, (SoCG)
384-385, 2003.
6. | "Efficiently
Tracking Moving Sources in the LSST" with
J. Kubica, T. Axelrod, K. Barnard, A. Connolly, L. Denneau, J.
Heasley, R. Jedicke, B. Moon, A. Moore, S. Morris, P. Rao, The 207th meeting of the American
Astronomical Association. (AAS) 2006.
7. | "The LSST moving object pipeline", with K. Barnard, A. Connolly, L. Denneau, J. N. Heasley, R. Jedicke, J. M. Kubica, B. Moon, A. Moore, S. Morris, P. Rao, Observatory operations: strategies, processes, and systems, proceedings of SPIE Vol. #6270, 2006. |
8. | Previously Unidentify Objects Found in MPC "One Night Stands" File Jonathan Myers, Alon Efrat and Tim Spar. 2013. |
1. | " On Ants
Crickets and Frogs in circular pursuit." With N. Cohen and F. Bruckstein.
Report. CIS9105 Faculty of Computer Science, Technion - IIT, 1991.
2. | "Finding approximate matching of points and segments under translation", manuscript 1995. |