CS Course Modalities

As you know, course modalities, rooms, and schedules for Fall 2020 CSC courses have been updated recently.  Please take some time to look at your Fall 2020 schedule in the Student Center to familiarize yourself with your schedule. The information on the four Fall 2020 course modalities (In-Person, In-Person Flex, Live Online, and iCourses) can be found on the UA Registrar's page here: https://registrar.arizona.edu/fall-2020-information-and-updates.  Any additional changes to Fall 2020 CS courses will be communicated to affected students.

We have heard concerns from several students regarding access to classes.  All Fall 2020 CS courses, whether In-Person, In-Person Flex, or Live Online, will provide recorded lectures for students along with office hour accommodations via Zoom.  Additionally, In-Person and In-Person Flex courses will accommodate students who cannot attend class to take midterm exams and attendance will not be factored into final grades.

Please contact your academic advisor if you have any further questions about your Fall 2020 schedule.

Best regards and stay safe,


Dr. Michelle Strout
Interim Head and Professor