Graduation and Convocations
May 15, 2025
Spring 2025 Computer Science Convocation - Celebrate this milestone and your new beginnings!

Department of Computer Science Convocation
Date: Thursday, May 15
Ceremony: 2:00 p.m.
Doors Open: 1:15 p.m.
Student Check-in: 1:15 p.m.
Location: Bear Down Gym
RSVP deadline: on or before April 11
Questions? Email admin@cs.arizona.edu

College of Science Convocation
Date: Friday, May 16
Ceremony: 2:00 p.m.
Doors Open: 1:00 p.m.
Student Check-In: 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Location: McKale Center
Questions? Email uascigraduates@arizona.edu
Frequently Asked Questions : Graduating Students
Thursday, May 15 at 2:00pm at the Bear Down Building. Doors open at 1:15 pm.
Graduating students must complete the RSVP for the Department of Computer Science Convocation form on or before April 11.
The College of Science has a separate RSVP form. Refer to information on the College of Science Convocation page.
Email admin@cs.arizona.edu as soon as possible.
For the College of Science convocation, refer to the College of Science Convocation page.
Yes, tickets are required for all attendees. Graduating students will receive an email to their UA email address with instructions on picking up their tickets for the Computer Science Convocation. The event is free of charge, but has limited seating. Additional tickets, if any, will be available at an announced date. Graduating students will be notified via their UA email with the process for requesting additional tickets, if available.
Graduating students may bring up to two (2) guests to the Computer Science Convocation. After the RSVP deadline, graduating students will be notified if there are any extra tickets for additional guests.
Graduating students will have assigned seating. Signage/placards will be provided to direct students to their assigned seat.
We encourage students to wear their regalia (cap, tassel, and gown) or business dress. Students can purchase their regalia (caps, gowns, tassels, etc.) at the UA Campus Store.
For security purposes, we ask graduating students to put on their regalia after check-in.
All graduating students attending will be called up to the front/stage. A personalized slide will be displayed with your name, academic information (major, minor, certificate), your post-UA plans, and a quote and/or text you wish to provide to share with others (thank you, shoutouts, etc.). Graduating students will receive a token from the department to signify your entry into an exclusive group : "UA CS Alumni".
Diplomas are sent out to students by the University of Arizona, after conferral and posting of degrees. Refer to Diploma Information.
Email admin@cs.arizona.edu and provide the details needed to update your slide.
Yes, CS staff members will be taking pictures throughout the event. Graduating students will be emailed a link to a folder with pictures.
Information about the College of Science Convocation, including RSVP instructions can be found here: College of Science Convocation
Date: Friday, May 16
Ceremony: 2:00 p.m.
Doors Open: 1:00 p.m.
Student Check-In: 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Location: McKale Memorial Center
Date: Friday, May 16
Ceremony: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Arizona Stadium
*The University of Arizona Commencement occurs in spring. Fall/winter graduating students are invited to attend/return for the UA Commencement in spring. Information about UA Commencement can be found at https://commencement.arizona.edu/ .
Sign up for our CS Alumni Newsletter to get updates about the department and your fellow alumni. Follow and connect with us on LinkedIn , Facebook, and Instagram. Contact Martin Marquez (martinmarquez@cs.arizona.edu) if you would like to get involved with our alumni initiatives (CS Alumni Spotlights, Mentoring, and Outreach).
Email admin@cs.arizona.edu or call 520-621-4632
Frequently Asked Questions : Family, Friends, and Guests
The closest parking garages to the Bear Down Building are the Cherry Ave. Garage and Second St. Garage, although space availability may be limited during this time. South Stadium Garage and 6th Street Garage may be good options. View the UA Campus Map, adding the parking and transportation layer.
Parking rates vary, visit the Visitor Parking Rates page for details.
Yes, there will be physical programs available during the ceremony. A digital version will be available - accessible via QR code during the ceremony and sent to graduating students after the ceremony.
Guests can bring balloons and flowers to the Computer Science Convocation. There will be a "parking lot" designated for balloons - to help avoid obstructing the view of the front/stage.
The ceremony is expected to take approximately 1.5-2 hrs.
Tickets are provided to graduating students to distribute to their guests.
There is not a clear bag policy for the Computer Science Convocation ceremony. However, the College of Science Convocation does have a clear bag policy, refer to the College of Science Graduation & Convocation page.
You are welcome to bring a poster (or other signage) commemorating your student for pictures after the ceremony. We will have a parking spot for your poster and other signage.
Noisemakers are not permitted.
Doors open at 1:15pm. We recommend arriving on or before 1:15pm.
The Computer Science Convocation will not be recorded or livestreamed.
The College of Science convocation typically offers livestream and recording of their ceremony. Refer to the College of Science Graduation and Convocation page.
We will have light desserts and refreshments after the event.
Depends on available seating/space. Contact admin@cs.arizona.edu or 520-621-7686 for questions about available tickets.
Contact admin@cs.arizona.edu or call 520-621-7686