Well done Wildcats!!
Department of Computer Science Faculty and Staff would like to congratulate and recognize our amazing students and new ALUMNI!
We wish you the best on your future endeavors. Keep in touch with your CS Family!
Students listed below provided their post-graduation plans and recognition/shout-out to family and friends. We will continue to update when we receive additional submissions.
CS Spring 2024 Convocation Prezi (Slideshow)
SPRING and SUMMER 2024 Graduates

Muhtasim Al-Farabi
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics
After Graduation: I'm excited to start the Master of Software Engineering program at Carnegie Mellon University
“Thanks to my wife Tajeen, my parents, my roommates Shrey and Dhruv, my mentor Ash, and Arfan bhai for pushing me to the finish line.”

Soumay Agarwal
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will go to to grad school. I have applied to many universities including the U of A and look forward to start my masters in Fall 24.

Yash Agarwal
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Economics
After Graduation: Starting work as a Software Developer Engineer at Amazon in Seattle.
“I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me through this journey. It would not have been possible without you.”

Rasheed Ahmad
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: I will be moving to Seattle to work for Amazon Web Services

Yahya Al Malallah
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I am going to King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) to continue my studies in the field of computer science as a graduate student.
“8190 miles and 1718 days: Mission accomplished, more to come.”

Ifeoluwa Ale
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: Applying to Software Engineering roles so I can finally put this degree to work.
“I can't help but acknowledge the incredible support I've received from both the family I've had since day one and the amazing people I've met during my college journey. You've shaped me into who I am today, and for that, I'll be forever grateful.”

Abdullah Alkhamis
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Give job pls... I'm desperate
“I can't believe they're actually letting me graduate. Shout-out to my family, friends, faculty, and the UofA for their support and an unforgettable journey!”

Vivian Elena Alonso
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Economics
After Graduation: I have a job lined up with a company in Tucson and I plan to work for a couple of years and then go to ASU to complete my masters degree. I plan to work remotely so I can travel, hopefully to my family in Puerto Rico and Spain.
“A big thank you to my mom, dad, brother and sister for supporting me throughout my academic journey! I love you all and am so thrilled to be here today.”

Osama Alzahrawi
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Middle Eastern & North African Studies
After Graduation: I'll be actively searching for job opportunities that interest me. While I don't have anything lined up yet, I'm excited about finding a role where I can learn and grow.
“I'd like to thank my family for always being there for me. Your support means everything to me, and I couldn't have done it without you.”

Akli Amrous
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be moving back to Seattle to start graduate school in the fall.
“I want to thank my family, friends, and teachers for supporting me throughout these four years. I couldn't have done it without you."

Hayden Arnold
BS in Computer Science
BA in Political Science, Foreign Affairs Emphasis
Minor in Korean Language
Minor in Spanish
After Graduation: Applying to grad school in the U.S. and South Korea.
“Thanks to my family and friends who have supported me along this journey.”

Nishant Athawale
BS in Computer Science
BS in Information Science, Data Science Emphasis
After Graduation: I will take a long vacation!
“Thanks to all my peers, advisors, faculties and mentors for helping me SPEEDRUN college.”

Nishith Avalani
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Economics
After Graduation: I plan to go back for Malaysia for the summer and I plan to travel as much as I can (and get some sleep) and finish many bucket list goals before I starting working as a Software Engineer at American Express in Phoenix!
“A massive shoutout to my family for the support, my friends for surviving the CS storm together, and all the Large Language Models for the relentless expertise, regardless of how silly the question may be. Kudos to the department and the amazing faculty to these four unforgettable years.”

Taoseef Aziz
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics, Computer Science Emphasis
After Graduation: I'll be travelling across the US at the start of summer and then I'll be joining the Computer Science Masters program in the Fall.
“Massive thanks to family and friends who have supported me through this journey.”

Igor Bernardon
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Game Design & Development
After Graduation: I will be working as a software developer, helping with the development of Web Applications.
“I would like to thank my family and friends for all the support through my academic journey, none of this would be possible without you all.”

Dhruv Bhatia
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: I will be joining as a Full time Software engineer at Staples Inc. in Massachusetts. I hope to do a PhD after a few years.
“I would like to thank my family, my brother Parth who has always been my backbone and my friends Shrey, Farabi, Adi, Viru and Kunal who helped me through difficult times. And to those who understand, a few words that helped me get through the last few semesters:
Unlike wine, research does not get better with time" - Prof Kobourov

Katana Bierman
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I am going to take a vacation to Italy and Greece a few weeks after graduation. Right now, I am still job searching and do not have anything lined up, so I will continue job searching.

Tuguy Bilgis
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics, Computer Science Emphasis
After Graduation: I will be working at Amazon as a Software Development Engineer in Seattle.

Nimet Beyza Bozdag
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics, Computer Science Emphasis
After Graduation: I will pursue a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where I will focus my research on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
“I want to give a big shoutout to my parents for always having my back and supporting my education here in the US. Love you guys! And a huge thank you to my friends who made the last four years a whole lot easier to navigate.”

Jackson Burns
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Travel and pray for a job
“Don't forget to live your life. Enjoy every second”

Andrea Camarillo
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be working at Imagine Learning as Associate Software Engineer.

Ethan Carrasco
BS in Computer Science
BS in Information Science, Interactive & Immersive Tech Emphasis
After Graduation: I'm going to take a break and get some much-needed sleep before making my mark on the world.
“Thank you to my loving family and friends--I would not have been able to survive my double major without your support.”

Jose Luis Casanova III
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: I will work for my parents while building my resume to apply for future jobs.
“Thank you Mom, Dad, Brian and Danny! Y'all really pushed me to keep up with my studies and continue working! You guys are amazing!”

Jefferson Caspary
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: Looking for a job.
“Thankful for God and my family.”

Emily Cawley
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Studies of Global Media
BA in Studies of Global Media
Minor in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be entering the workforce.
“I would like to thank my Mom and Dad for their endless support. I would not be here today without you. I would also like to thank my grandparents and my dearest friends who have also supported me during my time at UA.”

Chia En Chang
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Finding a job & going to grad school

Vennela Chatla
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I have a job lined up and will be doing a part time master's in data science
“I want to thank my beautiful parents for supporting me”
“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” - Winnie the Pooh

Chiu Yeh Chen
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be serving in the army in Taiwan after my graduation, then I will be pursue my graduate degree in the Computer science field.
I will be serving in the army in Taiwan after my graduation, then I will be pursue my graduate degree in the Computer science field.

Salim Choura
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I will probably go to Turkey to fix my hairline after it disappeared because of college stress then go to grad school or find a job preferably a remote job to work while traveling to different places.
“College is like appending to an array; sometimes it's O(1), sometimes it's O(n) but it will always be O(1)*”

Joseph Andrew Cortez
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics, Computer Science Emphasis
After Graduation: I plan to get a job as a software engineer to gain some real-world experience.
“Thank you to all of my family and friends for supporting me in all my endeavors.”

Maxwell Delaney
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Molecular & Cellular Biology
After Graduation: I am planning on taking a break for a few months after graduation to travel, relax, and brush up on a few languages and frameworks, and then I'll start applying for jobs!
“I would like to thank my mom and my boyfriend for getting me through hard times, and also my family and friends for supporting me through my academic journey!”

Billy Dolny
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Searching for a job in cybersecurity!
“I want to thank my family for always pushing me to be the best. To my friends sorry I had to keep rescheduling plans because of coding assignments but now its finally over!”

Aman Dwivedi
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I’ll be traveling around in the summer and then going back to school in the fall to pursue a masters!

Sean Eddy
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
After Graduation: I will be staying in Tucson to complete an MS in Computer Science at the University of Arizona.
“I thank my parents for setting me up to succeed, and my grandparents for their financial support. I've loved every minute of my time here, and am grateful to continue my education here in the fall.”

James Fagan
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Going to work!
“I owe everything I have to my family and friends. I am truly so blessed to have such amazing people supporting me.”

Bradley Ferraro
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I'm going out east to buy a sailboat and look at all that water.
“I'd like to thank my parents, Bev and Rich Ferraro. I'd like to thank Maluhia. I'd also like to thank Coldplay.”

Harrison Finkbeiner
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I plan on living and working in Tucson. In two-three years I plan on going for my masters degree for computer science at the UofA. As of now I am working with a friend to develop an mobile app.

Benjamin Fish
BS in Computer Science
BA in Economics
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I plan stay in Tucson and work full time, but have not accepted a job offer yet.
“Thank you so much to my parents and family for your love and encouragement over these years. I love you, and I couldn't have done it without you!”

Ahmad Gaber
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: We will see what life will want to show us.
“Thanks to my family and friends for the continuous support.”

Kevin Garcia
BS in Computer Science
BS in Systems Engineering
After Graduation: I will be working as a Software Engineer for Wells Fargo in Chandler, Arizona.
“Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education” - Martin Luther King Jr.
“Muchas gracias a mis padres, amigos y familiares por todo el apoyo y amor. ¡Lo hicimos!”

Miles Gendreau
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics, Comprehensive Emphasis
Minor in Spanish
After Graduation: I plan to return to my hometown of Seattle to work for a few years before going to graduate school. As for my field of study at that time, I am still unsure but am interested in the areas of applied and computational mathematics.
“Given the pace of technology, I propose we leave math to the machines and go play outside.” - Calvin and Hobbes

Daniel Gil
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I'm moving to Georgia to work as a Software Engineer for Georgia Tech Research Institute.
“Quiero agradecerte mama, cuyo amor, y sacrificios han sido inmensos, y a la familia por ser los mas fregones. Su fe en mí ha sido mi mayor motivación para alcanzar esta meta.”

Shrey Goel
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Aggressively looking for a job
“Thanks to my roomates Farabi and Dhruv. Thanks to my parents and brother. And thanks to the job market crash, my degree is now trash."

Urvika Gola
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I'll embark on my professional journey.
“I've been blessed with a support system that knows no bounds. My parents provide comfort to me despite being so far away, My perfect elder sis, Anjali, has been the guiding light not just during these past few years but throughout my life. My brother-in-law, Tanmay, always finding a way to make everything feel lighter & brighter. A special thank you to Tarun, for cheering me on through every iteration of my journey. Bhavya, the soulmate from a parallel thread, whose companionship made Tucson feel like home.
Heartfelt thanks to Tony Edgin, my advisor, whose mentorship has been instrumental in my growth, enabling me to level up in ways I never imagined. I would not be able to do this without each one of you and for that, I am forever grateful.”

Shahriar Golchin
PhD in Computer Science
Minor in Information
After Graduation: Following my PhD graduation this semester, I plan to continue working as a full-time researcher at leading AI research labs within the industry. My goal is to contribute to the development of the next generation of intelligent AI systems, which hold the potential to greatly improve various aspects of human life.
“No joke, from BSc to PhD with no backpack, ambition my only carry-on! Mom & Dad, thanks for the fuel!”

Shivansh Goyal
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Going back home to help my dad scale his business with the tools and technologies I have learned throughout my college experience.
“I would like to thank all my family and my friends for all their support to help me through this sometimes difficult but ultimately rewarding journey.”

Sophie Guinan
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I'll be staying in Tucson for a little while to see all of my friends and colleagues graduate. After a short break, I'll get a job and see where that takes me.
“I want to thank my family and friends for all of their support. Thank you Mom, and Daniel. I wouldn't have been able to do it without y'all.”

Bhargav Sai Kumar Gullipelli
BS in Computer Science
BS in Information Science & Technology
After Graduation: No Clue.
“Thanks Amma, Nanna, Annaya and intlo andariki for the love and support.”

Harris Cooper
BA in Computer Science
BA in Information Science & Arts
After Graduation: I'll be going to Seattle to be a Snap Up Software Engineering Apprentice for Snap Inc.
"Thank you to everyone who has supported me, especially my Mom and Dad. I've had a great experience here and I'm excited for the next steps."

CeeCee Hill
BS in Bioinformatics
BA in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will continue to live in Tucson and will be transitioning to a full time Software Engineer with the OSIRIS-REx mission at the University.
“I'm done with all these problems. Maybe it's time the planets decide.”

Jonathan Houge
BS in Computer Science
BS in Information Science with Interactive and Immersive Technologies Emphasis
After Graduation: I'm actively applying to positions in Tucson with an intention to travel and eventually move elsewhere.
“It's bizarre to realize that, as of now, school is over. I'm thankful to anyone who made a difference during that time with an obvious bias towards my loved ones.”

Anthony Hsu
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics with Applied Emphasis
After Graduation: I have an internship lined up in Phoenix for the summer with PayPal, focusing on Cyber Fraud! In the Fall, I will be continuing my Masters degree in Computer Science at the U of A through the AMP program. I will be focusing specifically on Machine Learning concepts. So, I’ll be staying around Tucson for now :)
"Thank you to my Dad, Mom, sister, and my girlfriend! You have been an amazing support system for me, and I appreciate the encouragement and love you have given me over the years.

Jiaxi Huang
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be taking a short break then I'll start working.
“Shout out to my incredible family and steadfast friends. I could not have achieved this without them. Your belief in me turned my dream into realities.”

Chase Hult
BS in Computer Science
BS in Information Science, Data Science Emphasis
Minor in Linguistics
Minor in Mathematics

Eduardo Ibarra
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I plan to look for a job and eventually move back to my home state (California).
“Thank you Mom & Dad and my Uber, Mariah. My favorite quote: Keep moving forward”

Rupal Jain
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be working as a Software Engineer.
“Big shoutout to my Mom, Dad, & Brother for always having my back. Your belief in me has turned dreams into reality. Cheers to this milestone, another precious memory for our album.”

Honor Jang
BS in Computer Science
BS in Biochemistry
After Graduation: I don't know what exactly I'll be doing yet, but someday, I want to get a PhD and teach CS at a university.
“It's always important to remember that every day can be beautiful if you want it to be. Every day starts in the dark and ends in the dark, but in the middle, there is light.”

Dharma KC
PhD in Computer Science
Minor in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will Join ML4AI lab here at University of Arizona as a post-doc

Ali Sartaz Khan
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Science at Stanford University.
“Comfortability kills dreams.”

Jack Koening
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I am currently in the process of applying for jobs and exploring various career opportunities. Post-graduation, I'm looking forwards to a much-needed break from school, where I will find time to travel and relax before diving into the next chapter of my life.
“I'd like to thank my parents and family for their endless support and encouragement. To the University and all those I've met along the way, I appreciate the unforgettable memories and invaluable lessons learned.”

Chrtistopher Koh
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics with Applied Emphasis
Minor in Spanish
After Graduation: I will begin working in the Fall after taking the summer off to climb. Not sure where exactly, but have been in contact with various people at the National Laboratories and currently doing interviews.
Done already?!?! Damn but I liked school :(

Benjamin Kruse
BS in Computer Science
BS in Statistics and Data Science
After Graduation: Going to work as a researcher for Rincon Research Corporation. Will return in the fall for a masters in computer science.
“Thanks mom and dad! (And sister I guess)”

Maya Kulkarni
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I will be starting work full-time as a software engineer at Visa in Austin, Texas. I also plan to pursue an MS in Computer Science alongside work after settling into my new job and home.
“Thank you to my parents and brother for guiding me through these past four years and always pushing me to reach my full potential. Thank you to my amazing and talented friends, and my incredible and kindhearted boyfriend for supporting me and being my sanity throughout this experience. <3”

Aditya Kumar
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Statistics and Data Science
After Graduation: I will be going to grad school to get a master's and eventually a PhD in Computer Science!
“If you can dream it, then you can do it. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for making my dream come true. I couldn't have done this without you!”

Andrew Le
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I’m going to travel after I graduate, then hopefully move to San Diego!
“I would like to thank my mom, dad, and my friends that stuck with me these past 4 years, couldn’t have done it without them!”

Quan Le
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics, Comprehensive Emphasis
“I would like to express my biggest thanks to my parents, sister, and family for their incredible and continued support. I also want to thank my friends and professors for their much-appreciated help. Lastly, I gotta thank myself for making it this far.”

Quanwei Lei
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Taking a break and going back to my hometown
“Thank you to my family and friends for your endless support and love through the years. Thank you to my professors for your guidance and pushing me to my greatest. Excited for what comes next, ready to embrace every opportunity with open arms.”

Daniel Leon
BS in Computer Science
BS in Statistics and Data Science
Minor in Spanish
After Graduation: I will continue to live in Tucson and join Imagine Learning remotely as a full-time software engineer. I will also continue to pursue my passion for computational and statistical learning theory through graduate school and academic research.
“I am eternally indebted to my loving and caring mom and dad, and incredibly grateful to my supportive and hilarious baby sister. I am also unbelievably lucky to be reaching the finish line with my brilliant and beautiful girlfriend, as well as the friendships I've cherished here.”

Xiangning (Selina) Lu
BA in Computer Science
BSBA in Management Information Systems
BSBA in Operations & Supply Chain Management
After Graduation: Grad school at Carnegie Mellon University

Mahesh Magendaran
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Japanese Language
After Graduation: Hoping for a job, really trying to prevent grad school, had enough of that.
“I would like to thank my family for giving me the opportunity to come here and throughout my time as a CS major UofA, I had to make a lot of decisions. Some of them were good, some of there suboptimal but as a wise man once said: Think Thousand times before taking a decision But - After taking decision never turn back even if you get Thousand difficulties!!”

Marin Maksutaj
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be working as a Software Engineer at Amazon, in Seattle.
“Thank you to my family and friends who have supported me throughout my college experience.”

Hamad Marhoon
BS in Computer Science
BA in Philosophy
After Graduation: Looking for a job right now!
“Thank you to my friends and family for supporting me! ”

Ellie Martin
BS in Computer Science
BS in Game Design & Development
After Graduation: I will be staying at home in Tucson, actively looking for remote or local jobs in software or game development.
“I'm very thankful to my family for the opportunity to go to college, and for encouraging me to pursue a double major in game development so I can apply computer science in my dream industry.”

Nuzhat Mastura
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I am going to start working for GoDaddy as a Software Developer in Pennsylvania!
“I want to thank all the people who believed in me and cheered on my growth the past four years, making this amazing accomplishment possible today.”

Jacob Miller
PhD in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I've accepted a post-doc with TU Munich, where I'll be working on graph and network visualization research problems.
"This thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down but the staying down." - Mary Pickford

Joshua Mills
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be returning to Utah to spend the first half of the summer with my family before moving out to start work. I plan to return to school for a Masters after gaining more experience in the field while working.
"I want to thank my family and friends for all of their support, and our dogs for eagerly awaiting my return. I also want to thank the amazing and passionate faculty who helped teach me so much.”

Shahnawaz Mogal
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I'm excited to move to the Bay Area where I'll be working as a software engineer on the most challenging and impactful projects I can get my hands on!
“Shout out to Jonathan, Andrea, Melanie, Brandon, (and Netflix) for being the real MVPs <3”

Alankrit Moses
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Going to go for Grad school. MS in CS, exploring Texas in the process

Lindsey Mullen
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mechanical Engineering
After graduation: I'm excited to remain in Tucson, where I'll be coaching girls' and boys' club volleyball while searching for a job opportunity.
“I’d like to thank my mom for all the help and support she has given me throughout my life.”

Harshita Narnoli
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I'll embark on my research journey, delving deeper into my interest areas. I'm excited to contribute to academia and explore new frontiers.
“With deepest gratitude to my loved ones for being the wind beneath my wings. Together, we've turned dreams into reality.”

Jonathan Nash
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Korean Language
Security Computing Certificate
After Graduation: I'll be visiting friends and family, relaxing, and catching up on lots of reading and games. I will be moving to Kansas where I'll work full-time at Garmin as a Software Engineer.
“I want to thank my parents and brothers for all the support they've given me over the years. I am also very grateful to have met my friends Alex, Brandon, Melanie, Shan, and Andrea. I had fun studying with you and fixing lots of bugs!”

Priyansh Nayak
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology & Arts
After graduation: I plan to go home and have a good rest and work on wrapping up some of my personal backlog. Then, I plan on pursuing a Master's degree starting Fall.
“Surprising that my constant main support system in college was a stupid gacha game. My other one was reading.”
“The gaps in the black print. My own little snow garden lay in between the letters. This space, which was too small for someone to go into, was a perfect place for a child who liked to hide. Every time a pleasant sound was heard, the letters stacked up like snow." ~ Kim Dokja, ORV.

Mark Nguyen
BS in Computer Science
After graduation: I'll be a master's student in CS here.
“I'm immensely grateful to all of those I've had a chance to work with; you all made me a better student and a better person, one way or another.”

Kevin Nisterenko
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I will be working as a software engineer at Oracle in Seattle as part of their cloud team. I can’t wait to see the Space Needle!
“I want to thank my family for always supporting me even from Brazil. I also want to thank my amazing girlfriend and the friends I made here for always being there for me.”

Gabriel Noriega
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After graduation: I will be taking a break to travel and explore the world.
“I want to thank my parents and family for all the support you have given me! And to my friends, thank you for always being there for me. Couldn't have done it without you!”

Evan Ohme
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: After Graduation: I will be vacationing with my family, then pursuing a job in software engineering.

Brooke Pacheco
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I'm delighted to share that I'll be starting my career as an engineer at Raytheon while pursuing a Master's in Data Science. I'm excited to apply my skills in a dynamic industry and further my education simultaneously.
“I want to express my deepest gratitude to my parents for their unwavering support and endless encouragement throughout my academic journey. I am forever grateful for everything you've done for me. Thank you for believing in me.”

Cameron Page
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Economics
After Graduation: I plan on moving to the Great Lakes with my family and continuing remote work in smart contract auditing and development.
"The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself." - Carl Sagan

Sangeun Park
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I will be working as a Software Engineer.
“Thank you to my family and my friends for all of their support!”

Param Patel
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: As I step forward, I'm filled with excitement for the unknown adventures that lie ahead. The future is a canvas yet to be painted, and I can't wait to see where its colors will take me.
“Thank you to my mom and dad for everything; I love you so much. A big shout-out to my friends and classmates for all the fun and support. You all mean the world to me.”

Nikolas Perez
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I am going on a short trip to Japan with some friends. Coming back, I will return as a full-time employee at RTX as a systems-software engineer, following my internship throughout the school year. I will also be starting Grad School to continue pursuing higher education.
“I want to thank my parents, Dianne and Nick, for all they have done for me. I couldn't be more grateful for the support and love you have provided me throughout all these years. It has been hard, but possible through you!”

Cole Perry
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I'm going to keep looking for a job in this horrific market! Keep it up everyone who's in the same boat!
“Shout out to my Mom for making this all possible, also Allison for dealing with my programming involved mental breakdowns. Finally a big shoutout to Martin Marquez for allowing me to retake CS120 for the third time! Wouldn't have made it into the major otherwise :)”

Michael Piao
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I'm going to travel the world and start grad school.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” - Albert Einstein

Adam Plante
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Music
After Graduation: Pursuing a summer internship before entering the job market wherever it might take me.
“A huge thank you to my family, my friends, and my amazing girlfriend. I couldn't have done it without you all!”

Gavin Pogson
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Economics
After graduation: I am going to travel and continue my job search.
“I want to thank my parents Chris and Courtney who have supported me every step of the way. Also my siblings Finleigh and Ryan who pushed me to work hard. Lastly thank you to the Tutor Center, Sigma Nu, Martin, my advisors, all the amazing professors, and all the friends I made along the way.”

Noel Poothokaran
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After graduation: I will be going to grad school at the UofA!
“I want to thank my parents for supporting me through college, Huy and Sean for carrying me through group projects, Osama and Ben for carrying me in intramural soccer, and Gavin and Wundy for nothing really.”

Ananmay Rajan
BS in Computer Science
Cybersecurity Certificate
After Graduation: I am continuing my educational journey in a grad school specializing in Cyber Security.
“I would like to thank my parents for all their support throughout my educational journey and extend my gratitude to the Professors for sharing their knowledge and wisdom during my UG journey at the UOFA.”

Suryashree Ray
BS in Computer Science
BS in Information Science, Data Science Emphasis
After graduation: I am going to take a year or maybe half a year to figure out what exactly is it that I want to do with my life. After all the world is my oyster. In the meantime though I am still actively looking for jobs.
“Ma, Bapa, Mamun Di, Stellina, Ipsita, Asif, Pratick, Palki, Aditya, Aditi, Yash, Farabi, Risha, Sadiba, Priyansh, Utkarsh, and my partner Anuj, thank you so much for being my biggest and constant supports and making me feel that I am never away from home. I couldn't have done it without you.”

Samuel Richardson
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: Spend time with family and friends, and see what the world has in store for me!

Alberto Sanchez
BS In Computer Science
Minor in Studio Art
After Graduation: I just wanna work somewhere nice and chill
"To bake an apple pie truly from scratch, you must first create the universe" -Carl Sagan

Victoria Santos
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After graduation: I plan to head back to the east coast and rot in my freedom for as long as possible. I’m also visiting Japan and maybe Korea with my family! After all is said and done, I plan to take on a full time engineering or UX position :)
“To my family, thank you for giving me all of your love, for all of my life. I will live it well for you!”

Ryan Schneider
BS in Computer Science
After graduation: I will be moving on from my job as a developer/system admin working with the great people at CyVerse to get more experience at other companies in the industry.
“I would like to thank my mother, father, brothers, and grandpa for helping me get to where I am today.”

Bhavya Sharma
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I'm heading to Seattle to spend quality time with my family. Ah, but this is merely the calm before the storm! before diving back into my career journey. Onward, to the adventure of job hunting in the land of technology!
Today, as I stand on the threshold of a new journey, my heart is full of gratitude for the roots and wings you've given me—roots to keep me grounded, wings to chase my dreams. To my parents, the architects of my foundation, and to my brother, the keeper of my wildest dreams.Thank you for being my guiding stars on this journey.

BS in Computer Science
After graduation: Working as a Software Engineer at Uber
“Grateful for the journey, thankful for family and friends by my side.”

Jonathan Silvestri
BS in Computer Science
Minor in German Studies
After graduation: I will be taking a break to travel, and then continuing my job search
“I would like to thank James, David, and Brennan, all my coworkers at the Tutor Center, and David Claveau for rounding me up to a B in CSC210.”

Paulo Soares
PhD in Computer Science
Minor in Cognitive Science
After graduation: I will join Pinterest as a senior machine learning engineer.
“I want to thank my parents for ensuring I had the resources to be here today, and my family for all the love and support throughout this journey.”

Sarah Song
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be working as a software engineer.
"I want to thank my mom, dad, my sister, and all of my friends for supporting and helping me throughout my years at UA. Without them, I would not be here! "

Benjamin Su
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology & Arts
After graduation: Going to USC for Masters of CS
“Big thanks to all the people in my life, especially my parents who has supported me throughout my entire academic career mentally and financially.”

Cole Suddarth
BS in Computer Science
BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering
Minor in Mathematics
After graduation: I plan on working as a software developer or electrical engineer, but until then would like to travel and have a multitude of different experiences to foster a greater appreciation for my true-life purpose.
“I would like to thank my parents for supporting me and giving me the opportunity and work ethic to fulfill this step in my life and encouraging me to explore a variety of next steps.”

Katelen Tellez
BS in Computer Science
BS in Psychological Science
After graduation: I plan on entering the workforce and getting some well deserved travel and rest.
“I would like to thank my mom for all of her sacrifice and hard work to get me where I am today! To all my loved ones, thank you for your unwavering love and support!”

Philip Truong
BS in Computer Science
After graduation: I'll be traveling to Japan with my friends in a couple days. Afterwards I'll be working at American Express as a software engineer.
“I want to thank my parents for supporting me through school!”

Kekhrie Tsurho
BS in Computer Science
After graduation: I plan on working as a Data Engineer at the Tucson Police Department while doing my masters at Georgia Tech part time
“I am grateful to my friends, family and God, whose unwavering love and support have been a pillar of strength in my journey.”

Edan Uccetta
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Creative Writing
After Graduation: Continuing my employment path in the world of game development.
“Many thanks to my family.”

Utkarsh Upadhyay
BS in Computer Science
BS in Astronomy
Minor in Physics
After Graduation: I am excited to continue being a wildcat and join the MS program in computer science and also work part time for airth.io!!
“I want to thank my friends, family and the amazing faculty.”

Jose Juan Velasquez
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Spanish
BA in Spanish,Translation and Interpretation Emphasis
Minor in Computer Science
After Graduation: I’ll aim for a job within my field, or work in IT.
“Thank you, my family, since you’re the reason I’m here.”

Daniela Villarreal
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Spanish
BA in Spanish, Translation and Interpretation Emphasis
Minor in Computer Science
After graduation: Pursuing my masters in technology management, at a town where there's snow during the winter and no heatstroke during the summer.
“Thank you to my Dad, for always supporting me through every bad decision. I am grateful for every corny joke and every salmon sushi roll we've shared together.”

Lauren Wheelwright
BS in Computer Science
BA in Spanish with Spanish and Portuguese Emphasis
Minor in Statistics and Data Science
After Graduation: I'll be teaching AP Computer Science in Scottsdale!
“Thank you to my family and to the families in Madrid and Fortaleza that hosted my study abroad trips! Special shoutout to all of the good dogs on campus, I couldn't have done it without you!”

Caitlin Wong
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Chinese Language
Minor in Korean Language
After graduation: I will be heading back home to Hawaii and seek employment.
“I want to express my deepest gratitude to my dad, family, and friends for their incredible love and unwavering support throughout my college journey. Your encouragement and belief in me have been invaluable especially during challenging assignments, I am forever thankful for everything you've done. I wouldn't be where I am today without each and every one of you.”

Ben Wunderlich
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology & Arts
After graduation: I will be working as a Software Developer in Maryland.
“I want to thank my parents, Scott and Joelyn, as well as my sister Claire for supporting me throughout my life! Their encouragement and unwavering support have helped me through all of the challenges I have faced. I would also like to thank my coworkers in the CS Tutor Center for making my 4 years at the U of A a blast!”

Khojiakbar Yokubjonov
BS in Computer Science
After graduation: I will be joining Snap Inc. as a full-time Software Engineer.
“A special shout-out to my parents for their support! Incredibly thankful to God for all the blessings!”

Joanna Zabasajja
BS in Computer Science
Minors in Spanish and Creative Writing
After Graduation: iOS Engineer for Starbucks in Seattle
“To my family, I love you so deep. Thank you for your sacrifices and support and love.”
"If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same."--Rudyard Kipling

Grace Zhang
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: Industry or master’s program

Amimul Ehsan Zoha
BS in Computer Science
After graduation: I’ll be attending grad school.
“Thanks to my family, teachers, friends, and the UofA CS Department for being there throughout this journey. This place and this degree will always hold a special place in my heart.”