Well done Wildcats!!
Department of Computer Science Faculty and Staff would like to congratulate and recognize our amazing students and new ALUMNI!
We wish you the best on your future endeavors. Keep in touch with your CS Family!
Students listed below provided their post-graduation plans and recognition/shout-out to family and friends. We will continue to update when we receive additional submissions.
FALL and WINTER 2020 Graduates

Ali Alshehri
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Thematic
After Graduation: Ali will visit all 50 states while living in a van, down by the river.
"Shout out to Prof. Russell Lewis! I wonder how long his beard took?"

Robbie Bagley
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Robbie will work as a Software Engineer at Raytheon Technologies.
"I want to thank my parents and friends for believing in me. I would also like to thank my great professors for helping me along the way. Finally, I would like to thank my classmates who were there with me as we grinded through all of our projects."

Adrian Bao
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Adrian will be jumping straight into industry as a Software Development Engineer at Amazon.
"I am incredibly grateful to my family for their continued support throughout my academic journey. I'm also thankful for my friends whom I've had a chance to collaborate with and grow alongside during my time at UA as well as a special shout out to my mentor, Arthur Jordan, for helping me navigate academics and industry. Finally, I'd like to thank Edwin Skidmore and my colleagues at CyVerse who welcomed me as a student with no experience, supported my learning & growth, and provided me with the tools & experience I needed to succeed in industry. I couldn't have done it without you all so thank you!"

Ray Barnett
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Japanese Language
After Graduation: Ray will continue to be a lead software engineer at a company called RESA Wearables in Prescott, Arizona and he will never stop pursuing opportunities.
"I really appreciate the love, support, and generosity of my parents and my great aunt and uncle. Together you enabled, encouraged, and inspired my success."

Ben Bauer
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Japanese Language
After Graduation: Ben will be seeking a Job in the Industry.
"I want to thank my parents and family for their support during my time in university and my friends for keeping me sane and making the time fly. Shout out to Tim and Martin for helping me in several CS classes, Reyes, Kevin, and Nathan who made Japanese a delight and special thanks to Drew Castalia for some awesome Game Development courses."

Harry L. Bryant III
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Harry will continue with his Student Software Engineer position at LBTO, University of Arizona.
"Thank You to my parents/family for all your support; shout out to my friends--we made it!"

Luke Cernetic
BS in Computer Science
BA in Psychology
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: Luke will be working as a software developer on the Public Cloud team for State Farm's Enterprise Technology department.
"First I'd like to thank my parents Jeanette and Matt for giving me their tough but ever lasting love and support. Along with that both my sister Mia and my brother Jason have kept my spirits high with their crazy stories and shenanigans throughout my life. Lastly my best friend Harrison for always being at my side, even though you moved away so long ago."

Illyoung Choi
Ph.D in Computer Science
After Graduation: Illyoung will be joining Bio5/CyVerse as a research engineer.
"I want to thank my wife, friends, and advisor for all the support and help.
I wouldn't be able to complete this long journey without you! Thank you!"

Louis Galluzzi
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Louis will be going into industry.
"To my friends, family, and especially my girlfriend. I could not have done this without your encouragement. Thank you all so much."

Chavoosh Ghasemi
Ph.D in Computer Science
After Graduation: Chavoosh will be starting a job at Google next year as a researcher and developer.
"During the course of my Ph.D. program, I was supported by many individuals and organizations; I would like to take a moment and appreciate them all. It was a privilege to have worked with every one of them."

David Gonzales
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Sports Management
After Graduation: David will be going to work as a software engineer for American Express in Phoenix
"I want to thank my parents, my grandparents, and my brother for always supporting me through my academic journey. Thank you all so much I wouldnât have made it to this point without you all!"

Mauricio Herrera
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: After graduation Mauricio plans to move to Seattle and work for Amazon as SDE
"Thank you to all my family for their support, I love you guys! Gracias familia!"

Sheng Hou
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Sheng will be going to work in China
"Thanks for all people who support me. I'm looking forward to the day that we can meet together again."

Isabela Hutchings
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Isabela plan sto enter the workforce focusing on software engineering and computer graphics.
"I want to thank my mom and dad for giving me their constant love and support. I want to also give a shoutout to my best friend Maritza!"

Yongqi Jia
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Yongqi will be working as a software developer in HUAWEI
"Shout out to my family who supports me to study abroad. Thank all my friends and all teachers. Mom, I did it!!"

Jiaxu Kang
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Jiaxu will go to University of Melbourne for graduate school.
"I'd like to thank my parents who have always cared about my life and studies; they have always paid for my tuition."

Nicholas Kunzler
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: Nicholas is planning to work in the industry.
"I am forever grateful for my parents and sisters continuous support and encouragement throughout this journey. To all of my friends, thank you for all of the weird, stressful, and fun moments that we had along the way."

Kate LaMantia
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
After Graduation: Kate will be going into industry as an entry-level software engineer & social media marketing consultant in Chicago, IL
"I want to recognize my parents for never giving up on me. They stuck by my side through the ups and downs, and I cannot thank them enough for always believing in my abilities."

Yanzhao Li
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Finance
After Graduation: Yanzhao will pursue a masterâs degree in Computer Information System.
"I want to say thank you for all support from my family."

Jake Lockett
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Theatre Arts
After Graduation: Jake plans to find a job in industry.
"All the thanks in the world to to my parents, my girlfriend, my family, my friends, and of course, my dogs."

Zhiyu Long
BA in Computer Science with a minor in Information, Science, Technology, & Arts
BS in Information Science & Technology with a minor in Finance
After Graduation: Zhiyu will attend a Master's program.
"Thanks Ju! Love you!."

Gavin Magee
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Gavin will be a Software Engineer at Microsoft.
"Thank You Mom and Dad!"

Nick Nguyen
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Environmental Services
After Graduation: Nick will be going to be a software engineer for American Express in Phoenix.
"Thank you to all of the family, friends, and faculty that made this journey possible. My words cannot convey my gratitude. Special shoutout to my grandma and uncle who have helped me tremendously and would have loved to be here to celebrate"

Steven Phu
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Steven will be looking for a job.
"I would like to thank my parents, sister and girlfriend for all their support"

Aaron Posey
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Aaron will dive head first into an entry level software engineering job. A passion he's had for many years is finally coming to fruition. Aaron is still strongly considering attending graduate school part time.
"I'd like to thank my family, including my wife, son, mother-in-law and sister, for motivating me and sticking with me through all the adversity we dealt with. I'd also, like to thank my wonderful Professors. Professors from the UofA: Dr. Misurda, Collberg, and Li Xu. Professors from Pima: Melissa Bouey and Gregory Wagner. (These two are responsible for seeding my loves for Math and Computer Science)"

Ted Seipp
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Ted will to continue his role in the Compliance Program Management Office at TEP.
"None of this would have been possible without the continued support of my family, friends and girlfriend. I would like to thank the CS faculty that has helped me along the way, Dr. Anson is the GOAT. Long live the 2nd floor CS Lab in GS!"

Austen Stewart
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Japanese Language
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: Austen will be a Software Developer at IBM in Tucson.
"Thanks to my friends and family for their support during such a crazy year."

Ben Taylor
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Ben will start looking for work again.
"Thank you to all my family and friends that were with me throughout this chapter in my life. It would not have been the same without all of you."

Sebastian Tu
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Sebastian will pursue a Bluetooth Firmware Programming in 2021
"Thank you to my parents for getting me here, thanks to Dr. Collberg for helping me enjoy it, thanks to the boys for making it worth it."

Xueheng Wan
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Xueheng will take a road trip on his way moving to Seattle, WA, and he will start his professional career at Amazon (AWS) as a Software Development Engineer starting on mid-February. Before day 1 of his job, he hopes he can visit as many as national parks along the trip :)
"First of all, I would thank my mom and dad for supporting me in this wonderful journey of studying in the US for past 6 years. They always fully support and understand every decision I made. I also want to thank my best friend Kiki who was always there with me when I am having a tough time and brought joy to me. In addition, I would thank all of my family, friends, and colleagues. I would have not gone this far without you all."

Ariyan Zarei
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Ariyan is planning to continue and finish his Ph.D at the University of Arizona.
"I would like to thank my parents and my brother who always supported me in all difficult moments of my life"

Weiyang Zhang
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Thematic
After Graduation: Weiyang will continue his academic journey at the UofA ,pursuing a degree from the College of Engineering.
"I would like to specially say thank you to my parents. Without their full support and understanding, I wouldn't get success at the University of Arizona."

Songyi Zheng
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Songyi willl be going to graduate school.
"Now I can achieve academic success thanks to all the teachers who helped me, including TA. In addition, I would like to thank my family for their support to my study and my friends for their encouragement. Thank you to everyone around me"