Well done Wildcats!!
Department of Computer Science Faculty and Staff would like to congratulate and recognize our amazing students and new ALUMNI!
We wish you the best on your future endeavors. Keep in touch with your CS Family!
Students listed below provided their post-graduation plans and recognition/shout-out to family and friends. We will continue to update when we receive additional submissions.

Reyan Ahmed
PhD in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I hope to obtain a tenure stream position.
"I would like to thank his family, friends, supervisors, colleagues, and teachers for all their support"

Mohammed Alghamdi
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will continue the journey of software development as a software engineer in my country.
"I can't express my gratitude for the support I've been having from my family throughout my journey; I'd never achieve this success without them, and I'm grateful for my friends and my professors for making my UofA experience memorable and successful."

Chelsey Bergmann
BA in Computer Science
Minor inSpanish
After Graduation: I plan to work on personal projects over the summer and apply for software development positions for the fall.
"Thank you to my friends, family, the CS department, and my colleagues for the endless support. I couldn't have done this without you!"

Amanda Bertsch
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics
Minor in Linguistics
Minor in Creative writing
After Graduation: I will be starting a masters at Carnegie Mellon in the fall.
"Thank you to my friends, family, professors, and the 9th floor GS crew! It's been a great 4 years."

Atush Bhalla
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology and Arts
After Graduation: I am Currently job hunting. My future plans are basically looking for a decent Software Developer Job where I can soak in as much information and learn from my experience for around a year or two. After that, iI will look for post-graduation in a field related to the Games Industry and hopefully end up there.
"I want to thank my family for all the support through this amazing journey at the University of Arizona. Special shout out to Dr Misurda who was one of the professors I learnt the most and gave me extra attention whenever I needed help or needed help in my job application."

Emily Blomstrand
BA in Computer Science
BA in Music
After Graduation: I plan to enter the workforce and work on my music.
"I would like to thank my parents for supporting me in my academics and my life up to this point, I couldn't have done it without you guys! I would also like to thank my sister, and my partner for supporting me and being my rocks!"

Laura Victoria Bolanos Arboleda
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I plan to start searching for a job in database design or front-end development.
"First and foremost, I want to thank my mother for always being there, for being the shoulder to cry on during the hard weeks. I want to thank the rest of my family and friends who have made this journey a memorable one. Lastly, I want to thank me for believing in me and for never giving up on myself."

Zachery Braaten-Schuettpelz
BS in Computer Science
BS in Information Science Technology and the Arts
After Graduation: Zachary will be going into industry.
"Thank you to my lovely fiancé for always being there for me and my family for supporting me."

Arianna Boatner
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Arianna will be relocating to Irvine, CA to work for Capital Group as a Technology Rotational Experience (TREx) Associate.
"I want to thank my family and friends for all of their support. They always reminded me of my goals when things were tough. They were there during my highs to celebrate and lows to give me shoulder to cry on and I don't know where I would be without them."

Jarod Bristol
BS in Computer Science
Thematic minor
After Graduation: Jarod will start working at Raytheon in July 2021 as a Software Engineer and he plans going to graduate school in Spring 2022.
"I am so grateful for my parents who helped me afford and get through college. Also, for my mentor helping in my life and my future career. I will always be grateful for what my parents and mentor have done for me."

Christian Capriotti
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Christian will be heading up to Phoenix to work as a Software Engineer for USAA.
"Thanks to my family for all the love and support throughout these years! Shout-out to the CS faculty and staff for making the online transition so seamless. And thanks to all my friends and colleagues for making this experience such a memorable one, you guys are the best."

Hsin-Yu Chen
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Chinese
After Graduation: Hsin-Yu will begin working as a software engineer at American Express in August 2021.
"Thank you to all of my family and friends for all of their support throughout my academic journey! I really appreciate everything you've all done for me and for putting up with me these past 4 years. I also wish good luck to everyone else graduating during the pandemic!"

Jensen Collins
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
Minor in Spanish
After Graduation: Jensen will be working full time at Raytheon.
"Thanks to all my friends and family who helped get me to this point!! Couldn't have done it without you guys."

Sabin Devkota
PhD in Computer Science
After Graduation: Sabin will be working at Facebook as a researcher and developer on Applied Machine Learning.
"Thank you to my family, friends, advisor, and faculties for supporting me all the way. Special thanks to my kind parents and lovely wife for providing me constant encouragement and support throughout the journey."

Brandon Erickson
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Creative Writing
After Graduation: Brandon currently accepted a full time position with Orgo Systems and will continue to develop in both the front-end and back-end in Tucson throughout the Summer!
"I am so thankful for the support I have received from my parents throughout the three years I have spent at UArizona. I am also so grateful for Theta Tau for welcoming me into the fraternity and continuing to help me in classes, my career, and in my own professional development."

Marisa Galan
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics with a Computer Science Emphasis
Minor in Psychology
After Graduation: Marisa plans on working at GoDaddy (Tempe) as a software engineer.
"Familia, thank you so much for everything you guys have done for me to be where I am today. You always helped me push through the rough times and reminded me why I decided to do this in the first place. Love you!"

Annie Gao
BS in Molecular and Cellular Biology
BS in Computer Science BS
Minor in East Asian Studies
After Graduation: Annie will work in industry at IBM.
"Shoutout to my mom. I love her cooking and she always made sure I was well-fed through all my years at UA. <3 Thank you to all the friends who've helped me get through some of the toughest semesters!"

Priyamvadha Gopalakrishnan
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Priyamvadha plans to continue working at the UofA as a Principal Business Analyst and find ways to learn, grow and put her skills to better use in this position.
"Thank you to my family, I wouldn't be graduating without their love and support through these years! Big shout out to the CS department staff and faculty for being kind, helpful and guiding me every step of the way. This means a lot to me. I am lucky enough to receive a lot of support from my UA 'work family', I'll be ever grateful for it!"

Kiara Hernandez
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Electrical & Computer Engineering
After Graduation: Kiara will be working as a Software Engineer for GoDaddy in Gilbert, Arizona.
"I would like to thank my parents and my sister for all the love and support throughout the years. Without you, I wouldn't be the person I am today."

Dawson Heykoop
BS Computer Science
Minor in Spanish
Minor in Math
After Graduation: Dawson will work for American Express starting in August and as a Software Engineer
"I wanted to thank my Mom and Dad for supporting me all the way. Thank you both so much!
I would not be here without the support of all of my friends and family members! Thank you all so much!"

Ping Hsu
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: Ping will be be building his startup, ShareOrb! ShareOrb is a photo sharing platform that lets you create a photo album per day. They're going to change the dynamic of photo sharing to make sharing photos a casual experience.
"Thanks to all of my friends and family, I couldn't have made it without you! I'm appreciative of the CS faculty, its been a fun 4 years!"

David Izmailov
BS Computer Science
After Graduation: David plans on beginning to work as a software and electrical engineer at Bombardier Aerospace, where he's been interning for 2 years now, and then later on down the road, eventually go back to earn a MS in Electrical Engineering.
"Thank you to all my friends and family who helped me along the way!"

Ryan Jacobs
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: Ryan will be searching for a long-term career position.
"Good luck TASS, you were a great club while you lasted!"

Tatiana Kapos
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: Tatiana will be moving to Seattle, Washington to start as a Software Engineer at Microsoft!
"Thank you Mom and Dad for sacrificing so much for me and almost always answering my phone calls (even when it was just for moral support to kill a spider at 1am)."

Alexander Katek
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Religious Studies
After Graduation: Alexander will be looking for a job.
"Thank you to my family and friends who supported me through these last four years!"

Bianca Lara
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics
Minor in Spanish
Minor in Statistics and Data Science
After Graduation: Bianca will be starting as a Software Engineer with Google in San Francisco.
"I would like to thank my family and friends for supporting me throughout my time in school. I would also like to thank Professor Isaacs for guiding me through my honors thesis and my time at the UofA. You are all amazing people and I'm glad that you were a part of this moment in my life!"

Stacy Sealky Lee
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
After Graduation: Stacy will be a Software Development Solution Analyst at Deloitte and also continue her own project (donate-gifts.com)"
"I love you mom and dad :)"

Shih Hsuan Lin
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: "Shih will be going for an internship before serving mandatory military service.
"Love my family so much. Thanks for my parents supporting me through my whole college."

Ryan Luu
BS in Computer Science
BA in East Asian Studies-Japanese Language Emphasis
BA in Mathematics
After Graduation: Ryan will pursue a masters degree at USC for Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence track.
"Shouts outs to my friends, family, teachers, and the CS dive team for getting me this far. Couldn't of gotten through Zoom University without all your support! Sky's the limit and diamond hands hold, we're going to moon!"

Jade Marmorstein
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Chinese Language
Minor in Japanese Language
Minor in Business Administration
Certificate in Games and Simulation
After Graduation: Jade will be starting in June as a full-time Software Engineer at Imagine Learning, mainly working on educational games for k-12 students. She also hopes to do some of her own independent game development and artwork on the side.
"Huge thank you to my family - my parents, and especially my sister, for all of their love and support and everything they've provided for me. I couldn't have done it without them. Also thank you to the teachers and advisors who have helped and mentored me along the way, the CS community, and to the Game Dev Club for being such an awesome group to lead and be a part of."

Christian McGuire
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Christian will be working as a full-time software engineer at Raytheon Technologies.
"I would like to thank my friends & family for supporting me throughout the last four years. Without you all this would not have been possible. I've made friends who have become like family in the CS department and am going to miss you all!"

Alex Melnychuck
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Music
After Graduation: Alex will continue in his role as Director of Software Engineering at Ontada, in the pursuit of improving healthcare through digital innovation.
"Thank you to my family, friends and fellow students, colleagues, and professors for the support in my education, for helping me to achieve my personal and professional goals, and for a wonderful overall experience at the U of A. Bear down!"

Estefania Munguia Camacho
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Chinese Language
After Graduation: Estefania will be moving to Phoenix with her husband and start her career in the industry at American Express. She may do graduate school in a few years as well.
"I want to thank all of my family and friends who helped me through all these years! I couldn't have done it without you all!"

Nhan Nguyen
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Nhan will finish a MS in Information in Fall 2021 and start working as Cybersecurity Consultant for EY Chicago in 2022.
"I want to give a shout out to my family and friends for all the support you have given me through this journey! I would have never gone this far without you!"

Reagan O'Grady
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Information Science, Technology, and Arts
After Graduation: Reagan will be starting as a Software Engineer at General Motors in Austin, TX this Summer
"I am beyond grateful to my family who has my back through everything, I owe it all to them. I also owe a lot to the CS staff and faculty for their continuous support and guidance through the inevitable Imposter Syndrome, navigating difficult courses, and career planning. The CS department is the best! :)"

Kaylee Price
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: Kaylee will be working as a Systems Software Engineer
"Thank you to all the professors who further ignited my excitement to learn, and thank you to the friends and family that have stuck by my side through this wild ride!"

Aishwarya Radhakrishnan
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Aishwarya will become a Software Development Engineer for Amazon (AWS) in Seattle, WA.
"I thank Dr. Kobus Barnard, all the professors, mentors, and academic advisors at the CS department that have continuously supported my journey. I wouldn't be where I am today if not for your mentorship and guidance! I also want to thank my parents, family and friends for the countless memories and endless support which will always hold a special place in my heart. Go Wildcats!"

Andrew Raftovich
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Andrew will be working as a Software Engineer at Walmart Global Tech.
"Thanks for the support of my family and friends through these four years of college and all the nights spent playing video games and studying to get where we are right now."

Trevor Recker
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Trevor will continue to work as a Software Engineer for One Tap Away, a startup based in Tucson and Minneapolis, MN.
"I'd like to thank my girlfriend, family, and friends for always supporting me and putting up with my busy work and school schedule over the last few years. It feels great to finally be done!"

Carolina Rivera
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information Science Technology and Arts
After Graduation: Carolina will be seeking a job in the industry.
"Thank you to my family and friends for always supporting, encouraging and motivating me through the long nights and stressful days, I couldn't have done it without you."

Taylor Romero
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
Minor in Japanese
After Graduation: Taylor will be working as a software developer for Expedia in Seattle.
"Thank you to my family, friends, and professors who have supported me these past four years."

Abhishek Sharma
BS computer science
After Graduation: Abhishek is hoping to gain industry experience and still debating graduate school.
"I would like thank my mother and brother for supporting me throughout this journey even from the other side of the world. My in laws here in America have been loving and caring and so supportive a heart felt thank you them too."

Drake Sitaraman
BS in Computer Science
BS in Systems Engineering
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: Drake plans on entering a PhD program in Computer Science.
"I wanted to thank my Mom and Dad for supporting me all the way. Thank you both so much!"

Richard Spence
PhD in Computer Science
After Graduation: Richard plans on continuing with post-doctoral research for a possible future career in academia.
"I want to thank my parents for their support during the Ph.D., as well as my advisor, committee, and other collaborators I have worked with."

Pranav Talwar
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Pranav will be a Software Engineer at American Express in Phoenix.
"I wanna take this time to thank my family for their love and constant support; and also my friends that I've made at UA. Without any of you guys I probably would've changed major! Coming to UA knowing no one was hard, but you guys made it seem simple. I love you all! <3"

Martin Valencia
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Japanese
After Graduation: Martin will be working as a software developer at General Motors
"Thank you to all my friends, family, and Theta Tau brothers for their support throughout these past few years!"

Lucia Wang
BS in Computer science
BS in Neuroscience with an emphasis in Computation
After Graduation: Lucia will be starting a position as a Software Developer at General Motors in Chandler on June 14th.
"BIGGEST thank you to my mom & dad, for always having my my best interests in mind; for not just telling me, but showing me, that you believed in me; for being the best role models I could ever ask for; and for always putting in the time and effort to help me make the right decisions. I wouldn't be who I am today without everything I've experienced the past 4 years, good and bad, they've made me stronger. So thank you to everyone who has been a part of that."

Chenghao Xiong
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Chenghao will work as a software engineer in China.
"I would thank my parents, girlfriend, so many selfless relatives, and friends for staying with me for the past 4 years. I cannot imagine going this far today. Thank again for those who cared about me, supported me, and suggested me. Come on, DAGONGREN."

Rafael Jeffery Vazquez
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: Rafael plans to move to Phoenix and pursue new opportunities.
"Thanks to my family and friends who have stayed besides me as we've grown in these past several years."

Liyun Zeng
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Liyun will continue working on his PhD degree in Statistics
"Earning a Computer Science Master's degree is always my dream. I would like to thank my parents for their always support on me to achieve the goal. Looking forward to the new journey ahead!"