Well done Wildcats!!
Department of Computer Science Faculty and Staff would like to congratulate and recognize our amazing students and new ALUMNI!
We wish you the best on your future endeavors. Keep in touch with your CS Family!
Students listed below provided their post-graduation plans and recognition/shout-out to family and friends. We will continue to update when we receive additional submissions.

Abhishek Agarwal
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Sciences, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: I will be moving to Salt Lake City, Utah, to work as a New Analyst in the Engineering Division division for Goldman Sachs.
"Mom, Dad, and the Rajgarhia family, I would like to thank you for your continuous support throughout my education. Special shout to my friends who have given me tremendous encouragement throughout my college journey."

Fatimah Aldhamen
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Sciences, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: Industry
"I would like to thank my family for their continuous support that has been shown to me during my college years. I will forever be grateful"

Hassan Alnamer
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: Masters in biomedical in engineering.
"Thanks to my family, friends and coworkers."

Amir Ameri
BA in Computer Science
BS in Game Design and Development
After Graduation: My goal is to work as a designer in the games industry.
"Thanks to my family who had my back when times were tough! Having people who support you always makes difficult challenges seem a bit easier."

Connor Brett
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Sciences, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: I will be a Software Engineer for Google.
"I want to thank my friends, family, and the CS faculty (shoutout to Martin and Arthur) for all the help I've received over my 4 years here!"

Nate Brill
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: Software Engineer at Optum.
"I want to recognize my dad for helping me along the way and my Grandma for paying a majority of my tuition."

David Condit
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be working at IBM as an AIX Support Technical Professional in Austin, TX starting this June.
"Thanks to everyone one class ahead who tolerated all my questions and needs, and to the people a class behind for reminding me of how far along I've gotten! Thanks to my wife and friends and family for always having my back even through the stressful times. We did it!"

Samantha Cox
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information Science & eSociety
After Graduation: I will be pursuing an MS in Computer Science at the University of Arizona!
"I'd like to give a big thanks to all of my friends, family, and professors! I definitely could not have made it here without their love and support the past four years! :)"

Benni Delgado
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Astronomy
After Graduation: I will be moving to California to begin a software engineering position working on Alexa.
"Huge thanks to my friends, family, and to Rey for a really cool student job!"

Tristan Farrell
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Going to work as Software Engineer at Microsoft.
"My family and friends are my greatest support and I could not do it without them. Thanks to the CS Department faculty for guiding me in the right direction and to the student teaching assistants for helping me pass my courses and encouraging me."

Zachary Florez
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Sciences, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: For the Summer I will be working with Dr. Carlos Vargas with Software for SpaceFlight on the NASA Aspera mission at the UofA. Come August I will be starting at American Express as a Software Engineer.
"I would love to shout-out Jessica Hernandez for pushing me to never give up since freshman year of college and always being by my side to help me when I was at my worst. I would also love to shoutout my family for always giving me the support needed to keep pushing through college. Another big shoutout to SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) for the endless professional opportunities, the memories, and the friendships."

Flynn Gaur
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Sciences, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: Working for VISA as Data Engineer in Atlanta.
"My parents, Tyler Conklin, David Sherman, Edgard Ore-Giron, Jasur Yisikandeer, Levi Moore, Sean Williams, Alauna Roby, Nakshtra Sharma, Maria Elena Allen, Tommy, Lord Quas, Melina Rogers, Adrian Dominguez, Cesar Perez, Jack Mittelmeier, Akash Satpathy, Arsh Nadkarni & Ashley Ramsey"

Trevor Hoshiwara
BS in Computer Science
BS in Statistics and Data Science
After Graduation: I plan to pursue a career in computer vision, hopefully in the field of AR/VR.
"I want to thank my partner Hannah, my friends, and my family for standing by me and uplifting me during the toughest moments these last few years. I would also like to thank Eller Tech Core for helping me to find confidence as a developer, and pointing me towards the career path that I am most passionate about."

Sunghoon Kim
MS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science and Technology
After Graduation: I will go back to Seoul, Korea and continue my previous job in KSURE.
"My master's course coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the UofA faculty and staff, I have survived and gained advanced knowledge. Also, thank you to my wife, kids and father."

Spencer Krieger
PhD in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science and Technology
After Graduation: I plan on continuing with post-doctoral research for a possible future career in academia.
"I want to thank my wife and friends for their support during my PhD, as well as my advisor and committee."

Calvin Larsen
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science and Technology
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: In August, Calvin will be moving to McLean, VA to be a Software Engineer for Capital One.
"I'd like to thank my family and friends for the support the last four years, and Rey for allowing me to expand my skills and knowledge while working for AIR."

Anthony Lau
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science and Technology
After Graduation: Anthony will search for a career.
"I'd like to thank my parents and sister for their financial and emotional support, and the various instructors, professors, and TAs who taught me everything I know over the course of these four years."

Cade Marks
BS in Computer Science
BS in Business Administration
After Graduation: Cade will be working as a software engineer at American Express.
"Thank you to the whole CS Department staff for making me feel at home. Thanks also to my family, best friend Jacob, and girlfriend Emma for supporting me through these four years."

Kat McGee
BA in Computer Science
BA in Communications
Minor in Studio Art
After Graduation: Planning to start at an established company (TBD) in Jan of 2023.
"Thank you to my family, friends, Delta Gamma, and all my TAs and tutors for helping me get through these past 4 years!"

Hannah Parish
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
Minor in Information, Science and Technology
After Graduation: Starting a full time career in Las Vegas, and hopefully pursuing a masters!
"Thank you to my family and friends I truly could not have made it to this point without your continued support you have had for me throughout my undergraduate experience! Thank UofA for the best 4 years!"

Ashiq Rahman
PhD in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science and Technology
After Graduation: I am joining Intel as a Network Architecture Engineer.
"Thanks to my mother, father, brother, sister, and lovely wife for their immense support throughout the journey. Also, thanks to all my close relatives and friends, I love you all!"

Wren Requist
BS in Computer Science
Bachelor of Music in Oboe Performance
After Graduation: After graduation, I'll start a full-time position working in back-end data protection at IBM here in Tucson.
"I want to give a huge thank you to my family for their support and encouragement in my studies, and to all of the professors who have helped me grow as a student, a musician, and a person. I also want to thank my brilliant and beautiful fiancée and the university that brought us together nearly 4 years ago. Bear down!"

Drew Scott
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Sciences, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: Graduate school at University of Arizona for Computer Science.
"Thank you to my parents for always supporting me."

Amin Sennour
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Statistics and Data Science
Minor in Information, Sciences, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: I'm moving to Boston to join Amazon as a Software Engineer. I start in August.
"I would like to thank Lindsay, my Mom, my Dad, my Sister, and my Cat for all of their love and support over the last four years!"

Jiwon Seo
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: After graduating, I am hoping to work as a Software engineer. Still seeking for a job.
"I want to thank my parents and my family for those who supports me always behind, gives me love. And I would love to say thank you to my friends whom I met in Computer Science department, and friends in dorm. I wouldn't have gone this far without you! Thank you so much!"

Bobby Wang
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Sciences, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: Looking for a job or a graduate school.
"Thank you."