Well done Wildcats!!
Department of Computer Science Faculty and Staff would like to congratulate and recognize our amazing students and new ALUMNI!
We wish you the best on your future endeavors. Keep in touch with your CS Family!
Students listed below provided their post-graduation plans and recognition/shout-out to family and friends. We will continue to update when we receive additional submissions.
FALL and WINTER 2023 Graduates

Rasheed Ahmad
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: I will be moving to Seattle to work for Amazon Web Services

Kaushal Bhat
BS in Computer Science
BSBA in Management
Information Systems
After Graduation: Nothing decided yet, probably start job search in January.

Bennett Brixen
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Continuing studies at UofA to get my MS in Computer Science. Starting an internship at Sandia National Laboratories over summer 2024.
"I feel like Sisyphus, trudging along, completing my tasks. Graduation should feel like the top of the mountain but no, I have more to go."

Ryan Cabrera
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology & Arts
After Graduation: To be determined.
"I'd like to thank my friends and family for helping to make this possible."

Jackson Covey
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Chinese Language
After Graduation: I am going to start work as a full-stack web developer here in Tucson, and continue to live rent free at my mom’s.
"Thank you to my mom for funding this. I hope you are proud of me. I will pay you back I promise 😉"

Jonathon Eichenberg
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be applying to jobs everywhere so wish me luck!
“I would like to thank my parents for giving me the opportunity to go college and always supporting me through my difficult times!”

Allen El
BS in Computer Science
Minor in History
After Graduation: I will be working at Raytheon and pursuing classical guitar academically. I hope to one day build on my communications internship with the Governor in a role involving technology and diplomatic-relations.
"I would like to thank my mom and dad for supporting me through these efforts. I would like to thank Tyler Conklin, Russell Lewis, Melanie Lotz, Todd A. Proebsting, Ravi Sethi, Eric Anson, William H. Mitchell, Samantha Morrow, and Enfa George for my cs education. I would like to thank John Bauschatz for my history education."

Ryu Funakoshiya
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Games & Behavior
After Graduation: I will go to grad school to pursue my master's degree.
"From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank my family and friends who have given me support throughout my college career. I couldn't have done it without them!"

Dyllon Enos
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Military Science and Leadership
After Graduation: After participating in the NROTC program at the U of A for 4 years, I will then be commissioned into the United States Navy as a Naval Officer and I will be stationed in San Diego. In the summer of 2024, I will also be getting married to my beautiful fiancé.
"I would like to thank my family, friends, and my fiancé, Alexis, for the amazing support and encouragement throughout my entire college journey. I know there may have been good days and bad days but I know that I could not have completed this journey without you guys. I Love You All, Thank You God!"

Luke Genova
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Game Design and Development
After Graduation: I will start looking for a job in the Software Development or Game Development industry and start working on some personal projects.
"I would like to thank my family, especially my parents for being my biggest supporters! I also would like to thank the tutors, TAs, professors, lecturers, and Youtube channels that helped me get through the challenging CS curriculum! I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for the support and help I gotten throughout these 4 years!"

Francisco Gonzalez
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Spanish
After Graduation: After graduation I will be taking a job as a Software Engineer at IBM located here in Tucson, working in the Storage Division with a focus in Data Protection and Resiliency.
"Thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout my time here at UA. Special thanks to my parents and my girlfriend who support me in everything else I do."

Yang Hong
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will pursue a PhD in Computer Science.
“To my mom, my family, my friends, my professors: Thank you for your support along the way. My deepest gratitude to you all.”

Kapua Ioane
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology and Arts
Certificate in Agricultural Leadership & Inno
After Graduation: I'm going to work in student services before returning to do a masters in Education and research effective teaching mechanisms in computing
I want to thank Kapenina and my sisters for all their support over the past 4 years. I also want to give a shoutout to my friends and buddies for struggling together. And lastly, I want to thank GS837

Seth Jeppson
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology and Arts
After Graduation: After graduation, I plan to move to Seattle, WA to begin my new job as a SDE for AWS. I'm extremely excited to work with the same team I interned with and return to them with more knowledge and experience than I had previously. Besides that, I want to look into grad school and explore new opportunities, places and hobbies. Thanks everyone for making this day possible!
"I just want to say thank you to everyone I have interacted with on any level. You all have made this journey possible and have helped me tremendously. Thank you all again!"

Colin Johnson
BA in Computer Science
BA in Creative Writing
After Graduation: I'm going where ever the wind blows.
"I removed a renegade semicolon, so the code gods let me graduate."

Logan Kroeger
BS in Computer Science
BA in French
After Graduation: Working for ACSS under L3Harris in Phoenix
"I want to thank my wife for all of her love and support and my parents for guiding and preparing me be where I am today. Big love!"

Nathan Lucero
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: To be determined.
"I would like to thank my family for all their support."

David McLain
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: Potentially grad school, potentially work, potentially nothing idk figuring it out as i go.
"Lectura - 0; Me - 1"

Kate Nixon
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be starting as a Software Engineer for Imagine Learning in February.
“Thank you to all my friends and family that pushed me forward when I wanted to quit and believed in me when I did not believe in myself.
P.S. Thank you Russ for all the extensions because half of us wouldn't be here without them!”

Louis Pellerito
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Game Design & Development
After Graduation: I will be relocating to Denver, Colorado to pursue software engineering.
"Thanks to my friends and family for being a part of my graduation journey.

Hayde Price
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics

Vatsav Sethupathi
BS in Computer Science
Minor in Japanese Culture
Minor in Mathematics
After Graduation: I plan to take a break and travel across Japan before I start the next chapter of my life as a Software Engineer at Apple in Bay Area California!
"From wanting to drop my major in the second week of CSC 120 to standing here today with some of the smartest people I know, it's been an adventure filled with sleepless nights, endless bugs, and unwavering support. To my family back home and the one I've found here, thank you for everything."

Caleb Shibu
MS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be working as a Machine Learning Engineer at Biotronics-Inc.
"I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my family and friends for their unwavering support. Special thanks to Dr. Barnard and Dr. Pyarelal for motivating me and pushing me to excel in my research."

April Sigda
BS in Computer Science
BS in Mathematics
After Graduation: I plan to work as a software developer in the Phoenix area.
"I want to give a huge thank you to my family and friends. Without their love and support, I could not have made it to this point."

Duke Speed
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: Likely taking a gap year for going into industry to start saving up and planning for a graduate program. Hopefully going to be able to pay off my debt and take a little break along the way.
“Thanks to those who supported this rough uphill skate. You've probably seen me around campus, maybe on a unicycle. I'm the one that knows someone for anything.”

Nathan Teku
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will be heading to the industry soon.
"I would like to thank my family and friends for everything. Bear down!"

Sean Tseng
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Business Administration
After Graduation: I will study graduate degree next year.
"First, thanking for my parents for supporting me to study in the United States, and all the friends that helped me get through the hard times."

Brian Vu
BA in Computer Science
Minor in Information, Science, Technology and Arts
After Graduation: In my next chapter after graduation, I’m eager to explore professional opportunities in the computer science field and contribute my skills to meaningful projects. I look forward to embracing the challenges that come in this new journey and hope to continue bettering myself.
"I am grateful for my family and girlfriend who gave me the love and support that I needed to make it here today. Their encouragement and presence have carried me past my lowest points and I am proud to celebrate this day with them."

Jasmine Ying
BS in Computer Science
After Graduation: I will continue my time at the UofA pursuing my Master's in Computer Science.
"Endless gratitude for my husband; thank you for supporting me throughout this degree. ❤️
Shout out to my roasting club; thank you for the best roasted marshmallows 👀"