
Need Help?

Did you know we offer personalized career development support? Whether you're an undergraduate or graduate student, we have a dedicated Coordinator for Career Development ready to assist you. Explore a variety of appointment topics and get to know your coordinator for career development. 

Click here to make an appointment.

Common topics for undergraduates 
  • Career exploration 
  • Networking (e.g., how to talk to employers about career opportunities)
  • Internship, part-time, full-time opportunities
  • Resume, cover letter, personal statement reviews 
  • Preparing for technical & behavioral internships 
  • Salary Negotiation 
  • Internship Credit 
  • CPT approval 
Common topics for graduate students 
  • Exploring career options after Ph.D and MS 
  • Networking 
  • Creating and revising CVs
  • Preparing for graduate school applications 
  • Preparing for technical & behavioral internships 
  • Assistance transitioning from academia to industry
  • Salary Negotiation
  • Internship Credit 
  • CPT approval