Alonso Granados
I am a first year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Arizona. I grew up in Chihuahua, a northern state in Mexico. I got my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at El Paso. Currently I work with Dr. Jason Pacheco at the SSLG Lab.
Research Interests
Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Deep Learning
What long-term project do you want to work on?
I am interested in the adoption of autonomous agents in our daily life. I want to develop algorithms that outperform humans in unsupervised setups and deal with the reliability of agents. Particularly, I am interested in working with self-driving cars.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
My work gives me the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in a field that is deeply interesting to me.
What are your career goals
I want to work in a Machine Learning research laboratory with a focus in autonomous agents.
Tell us something interesting about yourself!
I am an avid learner; I enjoy self-improvement practices such as exercising, reading and meditating. I love hanging out with friends, playing video games and doing outdoor activities.