Explore Madrid
Stand out in your Computer Science major by combining cutting-edge technical skills with an international perspective on the world. Through the UA Madrid program, hosted by the Institute for American Universities (IAU), you will take courses conducted in English in a new and modern study center. In addition to its historic architecture and art, this capital city is bustling with innovative technology and is known as one of the “smartest” cities in Spain, making Madrid the ideal location to study Computer Science abroad.
Faculty in the Computer Science Department pre-approved a handful of courses that will seamlessly apply towards your degree requirements. Working with your academic advisor is the key to planning a smooth transition from Arizona to Spain and back. Take the leap and become an innovative global leader in the Information Age by studying abroad at UA Madrid.
Chloë Blake is in her junior year at the University of Arizona. She studies mathematics and computer science. She grew up in Salem, Oregon, and enjoys friends, music, and dance of any kind. Chloë originally became interested in CS because all of her good friends at university knew how to program, and she is now studying CS to develop programming skills and explore topics in theoretical CS. Chloë studied abroad for the first time during the summer of 2022 on the Honors First-Year Trip (Paris/Berlin). While she loved this experience, she never thought she would study abroad during a regular academic semester because of the need to graduate on time. However, after discovering that the CS Global Tracks program in Madrid would allow her to continue CS studies abroad and not fall behind on coursework, the decision to spend the 2023 spring semester in Madrid was easy; Chloë had hoped to study abroad in Spain since before starting college because she knows how to speak Spanish. Upon graduating, Chloë hopes to either start graduate school or spend a year at the Rényi Alfréd Institute of Mathematics in Budapest through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program.
For More Information:
Please explore the Study Abroad - UA Madrid webpage and/or contact Matt Emory (mdemory@cs.arizona.edu)