Affiliated Faculty

Ehsan Azimi

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office: ECE 230
Interests: Human-AI Interaction, Extended Reality (including Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality), Robotics, Digital Twins, Human-Computer Interaction, and Digital Health
(PhD, Johns Hopkins University)

Peter Jansen

Associate Professor, School of Information
Office: Harvill 437C
Research Interests: natural language processing, artificial intelligence, explanation-centered inference, knowledge representation, virtual environments.

Clayton Morrison

Associate Professor, School of Information
Office: Harvill 437A
Interests: Machine Learning, Probabilistic Modeling, Casual Inference, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation, and Automated Planning

Sudha Ram

Professor, Management Information Systems
Office: McClelland Hall 430J
Interests: Enterprise Data Management. Semantic Interoperability among Heterogeneous Data Sources. Biological Data Integration. Semantic Modeling Data Provenance and Quality.

Ming Li

Professor, ECE
Interests: Computer networking, network security, wireless security, privacy-enhancing technologies, cyber-physical system security.

Michelle Strout

Interests: High performance computing, compilers including use of the polyhedral model, parallel programming models, scientific computing, and software engineering.
(Ph.D., University of California at San Diego, 2003)