Ehsan Azimi
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office: ECE 230
Interests: Human-AI Interaction, Extended Reality (including Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality), Robotics, Digital Twins, Human-Computer Interaction, and Digital Health
(PhD, Johns Hopkins University)
Steven Bethard
Assistant Professor, School of Information
Office: Harvill, 445B
Interests: natural language processing, machine learning, information extraction
Michael Chertkov
Professor, Applied Mathematics
Office: Math 416
Sandiway Fong
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Office: Douglass 311
Interests: All aspects of language and computation
Peter Jansen
Associate Professor, School of Information
Office: Harvill 437C
Research Interests: natural language processing, artificial intelligence, explanation-centered inference, knowledge representation, virtual environments.
Marwan Krunz
Professor, ECE
Office: ECE 356H
Interests: Computer networking, protocol design for wireless systems, media streaming, sensor networks, performance evaluation.
Ming Li
Professor, ECE
Interests: Computer networking, network security, wireless security, privacy-enhancing technologies, cyber-physical system security.
Clayton Morrison
Associate Professor, School of Information
Office: Harvill 437A
Interests: Machine Learning, Probabilistic Modeling, Casual Inference, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation, and Automated Planning
Sudha Ram
Professor, Management Information Systems
Office: McClelland Hall 430J
Interests: Enterprise Data Management. Semantic Interoperability among Heterogeneous Data Sources. Biological Data Integration. Semantic Modeling Data Provenance and Quality.
Martin Schulz
Affiliate Faculty
Interests: parallel and distributed architectures and applications; performance monitoring, modeling and analysis; memory system optimization; parallel programming paradigms; tool support for parallel programming; power efficiency for parallel systems; op
Michelle Strout
Interests: High performance computing, compilers including use of the polyhedral model, parallel programming models, scientific computing, and software engineering.
(Ph.D., University of California at San Diego, 2003)
Travis Wheeler
Associate Professor, R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy
(Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2009)