Undergraduate Program

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science Undergraduate Program page!

Computer science emerges from the interaction of two powerful kinds of machines: computers and the human brain. Computer scientists are inventive, innovative, collaborative thinkers creating software solutions and synergies on the cutting edge of technology. The Information Age is here; computer scientists are shaping it.

We offer:


bs v ba requirments

The choice to pursue a BS or BA in Computer Science (CS) should primarily be driven by your long-term career goals. While the BA requires fewer CS courses, it offers flexibility in your college plan, requiring a minor and even leaving space for a second major which can be just as valuable in building your knowledge, skills, and application. Some employers may specifically desire a BS, while others may value language proficiency, or the areas of focus demonstrated with your non-Computer Science coursework. The BS requires significantly more CS coursework and will allow a student to dive deeply into different aspects of the field. Students should choose their degree path and courses and the depth of their pursuit of the Computer Science field with the future in mind. Regardless of choosing the BA or BS in Computer Science, employers want to see candidates with strong knowledge, skill, and ability. This may be shown through coursework, internship experience(s), personal projects, involvement in school activities, etc.

The differences in required coursework for each degree include the following (beginning Spring 2022 or later):

 Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science
MathCollege AlgebraCalculus II or Linear Algebra
Second Language4th semester proficiency2nd semester proficiency
ScienceAt least one 3-unit science courseTwo 4-unit lab science courses
CS Major13 total Computer Science courses16 total Computer Science courses


All students planning to complete a Computer Science degree at UA, including transfer students, will declare a Computer Science major (Bachelor of Science degree or Bachelor of Arts degree). Students will take a series of 100/200-level Computer Science courses (foundational courses). Upon completion of the foundational courses, students’ academic records will be evaluated, and those who qualify will be offered “Advanced Standing” in the major. Enrollment in the major core courses and the majority of the upper division elective CSC courses is limited to students with Advanced Standing in the Computer Science major.

For more information, see also the links to the left.


Please see the list of CSC courses for information about our undergraduate course offerings. Please note that many of the courses on this list are not offered every semester. See the Schedule of Classes through your UAccess Student Center to see what is currently offered, and contact your CS advisor if you have questions. Complete the Syllabus Request Form to request recent course syllabi. 

CS individual study courses (not shown on the above list) are also available, and include Independent Study (CSC 199, 299, 399, 499), Honors Independent Study (CSC 199H, 299H, 399H, 499H), Preceptorship (CSC 391), Directed Research (CSC 392, 492), Internship (CSC 493), and Honors Thesis (CSC 498H). Individual study courses do not count towards CS major or CS minor requirements, but they can count as general elective credit toward your overall degree requirements.