Courses & Registration

Advising for Course Planning and Registration:

Students should meet with advisors before their registration date. For details regarding appointment and drop-in times, please reveiw our CS Advising page. 


Please see the list of CSC courses for information about our undergraduate course offerings. Please note that many of the courses on this list are not offered every semester. See the Schedule of Classes through your UAccess Student Center to see what is currently offered, and contact your CS advisor if you have questions. Complete the Syllabus Request Form to request recent course syllabi. 

CS individual study courses (not shown on the above list) are also available, and include Independent Study (CSC 199, 299, 399, 499), Honors Independent Study (CSC 199H, 299H, 399H, 499H), Preceptorship (CSC 391), Directed Research (CSC 392, 492), Internship (CSC 493), and Honors Thesis (CSC 498H). Individual study courses do not count towards CS major or CS minor requirements, but they can count as general elective credit toward your overall degree requirements.

FYI for Registration

Before you begin the registration process, view these helpful videos:

How to Read your Advisement Report

How to find your General Education Requirements

How to Declare a Minor

  • Research your class options by accessing the appropriate website based on your CS status: Currently Taking Foundational Coursework, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, CS Minor
  • Plan ahead: Add classes to your UAccess Shopping Cart, thereby making it faster to register when your enrollment appointment begins.
  • Check enrollment eligibility: Once a class is added to your Shopping Cart, information appears showing whether you meet the enrollment requirements.
  • Resolve any registration holds that restrict your registration in October - BEFORE your registration begins. (You can check to see if you have any registration holds at the home page of your UAccess Student Center).
  • Be prepared: Have backup classes ready in case your first choice is unavailable.

Visit the Registrar's Office website for more information, including tutorials, on the enrollment process.

  • Contact your academic advisor if you need assistance selecting courses for the upcoming term.
  • Appointments during this time will be a maximum of 15-20 minutes each, for next semester scheduling ONLY. (For more time-intensive advising, including a graduation plan, meet with your advisor again after priority registration ends for first-year students.)
  • If you have a minor or another major, we encourage you to meet with that advisor as well.

  • Please note that we no longer offer waitlists for CSC courses.
  • We strongly recommend you register for your courses on the first day of your registration.
  • To view information on the upcoming registration schedule, please use the Dates and Deadlines Calendar.
  • Visit the Registrar's Office website for more information, including tutorials, on the enrollment process.

Comp Sci Advanced Standing Classes and Foundational Course Sequencing:

  • The Advanced Standing awarding process will be finalized within a month from when current semester grades are posted. You will be emailed more information then. See the CS Undergraduate Program Curriculum Structure page for specific requirements to be awarded Advanced Standing.
  • If you are awarded Advanced Standing, you will be registered at that time for TWO core courses for the next semester -- CSC 252, and either CSC 335 or CSC 345. (You will not be eligible to register for these courses during priority registration.)
  • If you are interested in a third (non-core) CSC course next semester that you are eligible for (based on prerequisites), you should try to register for that CSC course during priority registration as soon your registration becomes available. At this time you should also register for any other (gen ed/minor/elective) courses you plan to take next semester.
  • If you do not expect to meet the requirements to be awarded Advanced Standing at the end of the term, please schedule an appointment (not drop-in) with your major advisor. 

If you are following the standard progress through the CSC program and are currently taking CSC 101, 110, 144, 120, 210, and/or 244 this chart will give you some basic instruction regarding your course planning. Please still discuss your course registration plans with your academic advisor.


AI Advanced Standing Classes and Foundational Course Sequencing:

  • The Advanced Standing awarding process will be finalized within a month from when current semester grades are posted. You will be emailed more information then. See the AI Undergraduate Program Curriculum Structure page for specific requirements to be awarded Advanced Standing.
  • If you do not expect to meet the requirements to be awarded Advanced Standing at the end of the term, please schedule an appointment (not drop-in) with your major advisor. 

If you are following the standard progress through the CSC program and are currently taking CSC 101, 110, 144, 120, 210, 244, or Intro to AI this chart will give you some basic instruction regarding your course planning. Please still discuss your course registration plans with your academic advisor.


For Computer Science minors

See the lower part of the CS Minor website for information about registration for CS minors.

Sample Four Year Plans for Comp Sci BS and BA Based on Starting Math Level

Many students worry that starting at a lower level of Math will cause them to be "behind" or unable to graduate "on time". This is a misconception. It is not recommended that students attempt to cram or otherwise stress in order to achieve a higher starting math placement. Doing so may actually lead to students being underprepared for the math course they take and/or other classes they enroll in based on meeting different math minimums.
The below sample plans provide examples of four year graduation class planning for a variety of possible initial math placements.

Please Note: These plans are samples created by the department to provide students with possible model to better understand what they can expect from their college schedules. These samples assume a student is graduating in four years with no summer work, but that is only one option for course planning.
There are many variables that impact a student’s schedule including transfer credit, math, English, and 2nd language placement, class offerings each semester, second majors and/or minors, intended graduation timelines, internships/research work, summer enrollment, and/or study abroad plans.
To better understand what your schedule plan might look like, please speak with your academic advisor. The goal is to make the plan that works best for you. This example plan is just a starting point for a discussion with your advisor.

Sample Plans